“From my point of view would be a scrappage scheme for cars and a so-called helicopter money per child precisely the wrong answers to this crisis.”, he told FOCUS Online. “There’s billions would be wasted.” Several SPD politicians, among them German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), had brought a family bonus in the amount of 300 Euro per child into the conversation.

read all the debates on the Corona-crisis in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.

“business on a sustainable basis strengthen and future-proof

make” To its fundamental expectations of the economy, politicians said: “The most Important thing is that we find cross-industry solutions the company’s strengths in a sustainable way and truly future-proof.”

Linnemann, who is also the Chairman of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union (WITH), also commented on the aid package of 750 billion euros, the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) this week had introduced. “If we spend for climate protection, digitization, and the future in the future, a lot of money in Europe, then I want to know exactly which projects are specifically, and what is the European added value should exist.” Tesla: a 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responding FOCUS Online/Wochit Tesla: A 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responds
