The VAT on food in restaurants will be reduced from July temporarily from 19% to seven percent. Why and how long the scheme would apply.

The VAT on food in restaurants will be reduced due to the corona crisis* temporarily. The tax cut from 19 to seven percent is starting in July, and is valid only for a year . The reduction does not apply to drinks. Here is an Overview of what for the consumer since 1. April 2020 also has changed.

Update vom 29. May 2020: Seven per cent VAT on food in Restaurants as of July

The VAT on food in restaurants reduced temporarily from 19% to seven percent . So Restaurants should be supported, because of the Corona pandemic, large drops in sales have. The tax reduction applies to the July and as a temporary measure for a year , as the German press Agency reported.

Whether and how it specifically affects the wallet* , remains to be seen. The reduced VAT for on-site consumption of seven per cent does not mean that the restaurant prices for consumers would fall, said Dehoga President Guido Zöllick in the “daily mirror”. The measure will help to compensate for the losses and additional costs “at least a little”.

The criticism of the hosts : pubs, Bars and Clubs would prefer to forget – because the value added tax on beverages will not be reduced .

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Udpate of 28. May: the Bundestag decides on a longer period of continued payment of wages for parents

parents caring for while the Corona of crisis, your children’s and not able to work, get an extended continuation of wage payment . The Bundestag decided on Thursday and agreed to a corresponding Amendment of the Federal government.

The Federal government had agreed last Wednesday to extend the continued payment of wages from six to ten weeks per parent, for Single to 20 weeks. The loss of Earnings for parents , can not work, because you need to take care of their children, will be replaced by the state to 67 per cent of the net income. The continued payment of wages, however, is capped at Euro 2016 per month.

also read : new feature of the short-time work allowance: This applies to employees and self-employed.

article from the 2. April 2020: a Lot of new rules for consumers

consumer be careful : Since the 1. April 2020* there are some changes . Thus, for 1. April some plan amended laws entered into force, as 1.4.2020) reported. Some of the Emergency regulations adopted by the Federal government in the short term due to the Corona-crisis came*.
Here is an Overview of what changes financially for consumers:

Rent control and owner-loans – new

Rent control: The up to 2025 extended Rent control is in force. Where it applies, may require a landlord to the residents exchange a maximum of ten percent more than the customary comparative rent. A tenant can challenge this for the first time to a lot of rent paid retroactively for up to two and a half years.

owners loan : “Who before the age of 15. March 2020, a consumer has concluded a loan for the financing of residential property, the redemption rates for three months to rest”, – said in a report on to the new regulations. This applies both for interest rate, return, payment and repayment services, between 1. April and the 30. June 2020 will be due. A prerequisite, therefore, is that the owner must prove that he has due to the Corona-crisis revenue and the bother welshing on the loan at risk the livelihood.

read : Corona-aid from the state – to Whom, to what and by whom?

Hartz IV Bafög facilities in corona crisis

Hartz IV : Due to the corona crisis will be carried out in the case of applications for Hartz IV, according to first, no assets, and living costs tests. Applicant must appear in person at the Jobcenter, but may submit applications online or over the phone.

Bafög : New rules apply to the ZDF’s report (as of 1.4.2020) according to the Bafög-return payer will: “you have to pay in the future instead of the previous maximum of 105 euros per month (with a maximum repayment sum of EUR 10,000) is now a maximum of 130 Euro per month for a maximum of 77 months (with a maximum repayment sum of 10.010 Euro).”

interesting : tax Declaration for 2020 – These are the special editions you should make now claims.

source: dpa,


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