20 senior apartments in Röhrmoos. The municipal Council has approved this, now the procurement directives. It is a points system


Röhrmoos – The huge shell in the center of Röhrmoos is not to be missed: Here is the housing society of the district is currently building 20 senior apartments.

the flower street 1 location property, on the many years of the savings Bank stand, the municipality of Röhrmoos available. In eight of the 20 apartments in the municipality will contribute to the funding and thus has occupancy rights with a socially acceptable rent.

Before the main and financial Committee, the guidelines approve the housing allocation for the social senior living, a mayor Dieter Kugler on the three categories of apartments closer that arise here are: Seven homes will be built with state funding, the levels of only to persons with residential certificate of eligibility to the relevant Income 1 to 3 are reserved. Only for these apartments an income – oriented funding (EOF), the income and application can and is in the district office will be requested. The EOF is an ongoing subsidy to housing costs, and relief for tenants of social housing, the funding model of the income-oriented funding have been established.

in addition to the eight apartments that the municipality grants social aspects to seniors, arise five other apartments, financed by the local rent – it – was to be awarded of EUR 14.50 per square foot to eligible applicants.

As head of planning Patrick Westermayr said, was the municipality in the allocation of the apartments is basically free. You will, however, adhere to the guidelines. The fixed points system does not apply to the freely-financed apartments, of course.

For the municipality-funded apartments were set to the following criteria:

only people who have their sole residence in the municipality of Röhrmoos have at the time of application are Entitled to, or who had in the past at least five years continuously, his or her principal residence in the municipality, or in the case of the application, a coherent, at least ten years of professional activity in the municipality can demonstrate.

Also, anyone who has a child of their own, living with a main residence for at least five years in the municipality, belongs to the circle of eligible applicants.

The municipality requires, however, that the housing applicants in the 60. Age of and it the in the housing support regulations 2012 fixed income tier III, not be more than 50 percent is exceeded.

The maximum gross income is not A must for a-person household 33 exceed 900 euros and for a Two-person household 51 750 Euro.

The applicant is not allowed to include residential property, an undeveloped plot of land or a right of Usufruct established right of residence. The same applies for the Partner.

No Chance to get to one of the municipality-sponsored housing, and have applicants with high savings, investments or securities. Here the free boundary for a One-person household at 90 000 euros, a Two-person budget of 180 000 euros.

The points system is set out in the terms of the Local nature, that is, per calendar year, two points, a maximum of 20 points will be awarded.

with regard to the care dependency/disability in household membership, it is specified that there is a severe disability of 50 percent or three points from 80 per cent five points.

In the case of the income assessment will, of course, take account of pensions, supplementary pension, pension from abroad, income from employment, rent interest, life insurance payments and other receipts.

The maximum score of 15, A is for a-person household with a maximum of 15 000 Euro annual income. In the case of Two-person households, there are 30 000 Euro. It should be among the applicants of equal scores, the lot decides who gets the apartment.

Andreas Humbs (Green) noted that social commitment in Associations is not taken into account in the guidelines at all. The mayor said: “We want no discrimination of very old people who no longer want to be a volunteer.” “I agree,” said Sabine Decker (SPD).

Although it is the unanimous decision was merely a recommendation decision to the city Council, asked the senior officer Burkhard Haneke (CSU) to place prospective home nearby, in the town hall, resting candidate list. Application documents are available here.