The precedence of economic interests hinders the view of the German cancer research center (DKFZ) in the fight against cancer. “Three tobacco control measures could avoid up to 2050, a Million cases of cancer,” says Ute Mons, head of the unit cancer prevention in the German cancer research center.

Would tax increases repeated , a comprehensive tobacco advertising ban and a single neutral packing for all brands of cigarettes implemented, there would be many people to a bad fate saves. This is the result of model calculations of the DKFZ-researchers, which were published in the journal “Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention”.

the tobacco industry has a strong Lobby

“Unfortunately, the political will to take these steps is missing,” explained Mons on the occasion of the world non-Smoking day on may 31. May. The Lobby of the tobacco industry in Germany was much stronger than that of the representative of the health interests of the population. Germany is in the fight against harmful tobacco consumption in the European tail light.

Without the need for additional tobacco control measures there is likely to be in the year 2050 is still a Smoking share of 14.8 percent for males and 10.2 percent for women, as the scientists on the Basis of the today’s Smoking behavior and the current annual decline in the Smoking rate calculated.

In case of an immediate introduction of the three proposed measures would apply, therefore, in 30 years, to a projected 9.7 percent of men and 6.7 percent of the women Smoke. This results in the number one Million is clear of avoidable cancers. More on the topic of cancer

posters advertising suggest: “Smoking is fun”

The DKFZ calls for an outdoor ban on tobacco advertising products, for example on advertising columns and billboards. “It counteracts all of the in-school education about the dangers of Smoking, when the young people after school at the bus stops with cigarette advertising will be overwhelmed,” said Mons. Germany is behind here because in a European comparison. However, the Bundestag is currently consulting for the first time, a step-by-step prohibition of billboards from 2022 to advise.

Success would, in the view of Mons, also a single non-descript packaging with only the note on the brand, as Australia have for the first time introduced. Thus, the attempt of the company will be frustrated, to advertise through the color design of the pack itself. And the warnings and the deterrent pictures would be even better. “Marlboro Red, Gauloises Blue look the same.” In particular, for young people, the packaging will lose its attractiveness. All the important messages to the Coronavirus in the FOCUS Online Newsletter. Subscribe now.

higher and higher taxes should the smoke fun

to ruin the third step – the gradual increase of the taxes – is especially targeted to the group of “price-sensitive” young smokers. Imagine ten percent annually for a period of ten years. Mons: “Ten percent more in taxes usually leads to five per cent fewer sales.” The increase, the experience of control 15 years ago. Since then there have been increases in homeopathic doses. “There’s a lot of air is still upwards,” said Mons. Salt-water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than PCP salt water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than I thought
