It was remarkable what he had to say, the French transport and environment Minister Elisabeth Borne to the rescue of the French – Dutch airline Air France-KLM. With 7 billion euros, the French state rushes to the ailing group in the corona of crisis to help.

But there is one condition: “Air France has pledged to reduce by 2024, the CO2-emissions in the domestic air transport by 50 percent and reduce domestic flights on routes drastically, for the Alternatives to the Rail (with driving time) of less than 2.5 hours exist,” said the Minister. State aid for the group, with its 88.000 employees so only under the protection of the climate conditions.

Biggest concern of the German climate change

to continue the example of the government bailout of France highlights one of the most urgent questions in the Corona-recession: How climate-friendly and economic reconstruction must be in accordance with the pandemic?

this issue is also perceived in the General population as a matter of urgency, a new survey by the Allensbach Institute, 34 percent of the 1013 on the phone respondents reported that climate change is currently your biggest personal concern — the Coronavirus 30 percent said the. Third, the concern about loss of income (26 percent) follows.

The policy now has to master a balancing act that’s new: How, then, can be saved in the recession, jobs, without neglecting the own climate goals? Before Corona, the different interest groups about what compromises when it comes to climate protection would be unacceptable, in order to secure jobs and the short-term competitiveness of the economy discussed. The corona crisis, with its fundamental economic consequences of this conflict with all the hardness re-emerge.

Overall, attributed to the Federal government for the year 2020 with a GDP decline of 6%. Central sectors such as the automotive industry recorded a drop in sales and the unemployment rate rose from March to April to 0.7 percent, from 5.1 to 5.8. Just growing numbers of unemployed, the policy concern, the work approved in a rush, the company’s short-money in the billions to prepare.

And in the coming months will be to flow for more billions as stimulus measures in the economy – so far, the state has agreed to 1170 billion euros in grants, loans and guarantees. The constitutional debt brake has been suspended at the beginning of the crisis.

state aid billion: “opportunity and danger in equal measure,”

this All plays a role when it comes to the climate policy objectives of the country. Because the many billions, the way the state is now required on loans and premiums for buyers ready to ensure that businesses and households of future investments, pre-like, says Karen Pittel, Director of the center for energy, climate and the resources of the Munich-based Ifo Institute, and chair of the climate protection Advisory Committee of the Federal government. The early investment for the ecological development of Germany’s “Chance and danger alike,” says the Economist. What matters is how the money is invested.

What says Pittel, thus, is currently in two industries, the automotive and the steel industry to understand:. In Berlin the policy discussion currently about a new edition of the scrappage scheme. It is argued less about whether it needs a new premium, but rather about what cars should be subsidised: the cost of climate-friendly drives or internal combustion engines? In fact, a new buying boom for gas, Germany is expected to aim its Climate hardly bring it closer. dpa/Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Central image/ZBbild new vehicles from Volkswagen, on a freight train in front of the factory in Zwickau.

more significantly to the climate of critical investment decisions in the CO2-intensive steel industry. Instead of blast furnaces will be in the future, hydrogen reduction plants and electric Furnaces are used. For the entire industry, the economy, has calculated that the steel Federation the country needs to invest at least 30 billion euros by 2050. “The investment decisions for technologies with a term of 30 to 40 years”, underlines Pittel their importance to climate policy.

investment, in the sense of climate protection from an economic perspective, useful

be used For what purposes state AIDS in the crisis now, just in relation to the development of sustainable and climate-friendly technologies is essential. Comes to this conclusion, the Federal environment Agency in its recent action paper on social-ecological economic policy in and after the corona crisis. “It must be made to state investments in obsolete and end-of-technologies“, claims Holger Baer, an author of the study, the Forum Ecological-Social market economy.

in view of the fact that the legal environment in the coming decades, change in the sense of climate protection, be it from an economic point of view is useful to combine the current investment with environmental objectives, supplemented IFO expert Pittel.

short-term stimulus measures can also? environmentally sustainable.

but How short-term economy might look like measures Measures Jobs and competitiveness and at the same time in the European-German climate agenda can add?

The Economist, and Professor for sustainability management at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany, and Stefan Schaltegger, considers that it is right to link state support to climate conditions, and speaks of the “steering effect”. For the transport of the scientists, for example, proposes mobility vouchers instead of a purchase premium, the value of which is based on the respective means of transport. So the Coupon would be for the purchase of public TRANSPORT Tickets for more than the purchase of an electric vehicle. When buying a internal-combustion engine, the value would fall to Zero, says the Economist. dpa/Uli Sonntag/Volkswagen/dpa-tmn electro-mobility should also spend time in Germany to be promoted

Many business representatives argue, however, that changes towards more climate-friendly products and production methods, especially of need:. But the was just during a recession, just. Through bridging loans, it is switching in the opinion of Eggers, however, quite possible to secure jobs during the construction phase of a company.

Altmeier: “The state is not a good entrepreneur,”

However, not all actors share this opinion, as the example of the arduous rescue of the Lufthansa shows. Aware of you’ve want no state requirements for the Lufthansa-business, said economy Minister Peter Altmeier in the ZDF. His justification: “The state is not a good businessman”.

The Lufthansa the 9-billion heavy rescue package rejected because of the potential conditions imposed by the EU Commission yet. In the run-up to the opposition party, the FDP, spoke out against the state and conditions in connection with Crisis help for ailing companies. “State intervention” is the wrong prescription for the crisis management, since this “broke the waves, and mass unemployment, said structurally reinforced and cemented”, FDP Deputy party leader Michael Theurer. “You do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh, FOCUS Online/Wochit “you do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh
