The criticism of the appeal of the Left-wing politician Barbara Borchardt to the state constitutional court of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania does not break down. The member of the Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen, the CDU Federal Chairman wants to be, called the new judge in the magazine “der Spiegel” as a “case for the protection of the Constitution”. At the same time, he criticised the fact that his own party had dialed Borchardt in the Parliament. The Union of victim associations of Communist tyranny called your appeal to the land constitutional court is a “disgrace”.

Margarete van Ackeren Berlin week – goat for a gardener made: choice of red Constitution, a judge of a warning shot.

is For new Trouble to Interview Borchardt provided in the “süddeutsche Zeitung”. In it she said: “There was a wall dead on both sides, it is also the border guards have been shot and killed.” The Chairman of the victims ‘associations, Dieter Dombrowski (CDU), told the editors’ network Germany: “he Who mocks the victims of the dictatorship, a constitutional court out of place.”

“there is No cooperation with Extremes of all Kinds”

Borchardt is a member of the Association “anti-capitalist Left” within their party. This Association is observed from the protection of the Constitution at the Federal level. Borchardt was elected in the Parliament of Schwerin, with a Two-thirds majority to judge – even of deputies from the SPD and the CDU. Röttgen said: “The CDU is not necessary to make clear once and for all, that it is in such cases, blackmail. There is no voice, no support and no cooperation with Extreme should be of all Stripes.”

FDP is weakening and continues to decline – but also the right-wing populists FOCUS Online/Wochit FDP lose falters and is continuing to decline – but also the right-wing populists lose
