possible As of mid-March, it was recommended that due to the Coronavirus to stay much at home, began for all, in a sense, a new period of time.

Who had to ride through the Corona restrictions of his everyday life now, mostly from home, best, saw, under circumstances with his Partner in an unprecedented Situation.

clusters Of discussion and dispute about the desire to be alone, is to the development of a greater appreciation for the other on the spectrum of the effects of Corona on a relationship everything.

move in Together or alienation risk?

Many couples who had not lived together were not asked at the beginning of the pandemic, prior to the decision to see either for an indefinite period of time or to lift from foreign to certain reasons, the relationship to the next Level and to move in together.

the Former can have a alienation result. The relationship is suddenly a long-distance relationship, and any physical proximity is prevented, as well as the possibilities for deepening the emotional connection much more difficult.

In the other case, may be premature if you would not have dared to take this step, under normal circumstances, also fatal.

this decision was regretted soon, according to some therapist Kiaundra Jackson in an interview with the Portal ‘Self’ over many of their clients.

Corona is a negative impact on the relationship

can have an impact Even if couples lived in a common household, the Corona-measures many of the normal everyday life and presented special challenges.

These were some of the negative effects of Corona on couple relationships:

  • Known issues tips to : The increased togetherness led not infrequently to the well-known problems zuspitzten themselves. This would be observed in crisis situations, often reported Sex and relationship therapist Dr. Emily Jamea opposite the Portal of the ‘Self’.
  • You are arguing more than ever before : The uncertainty that is felt in crisis situations, often, also affects the nervous system. It comes in couple relationships increasingly, therefore, a dispute, is located on the Overstimulation of the nerves.
  • longing for time for yourself : Just for people who need space a lot of free, is Corona a challenge. To be suddenly 24/7 with the Partner, and to have no time alone, can be exhausting. To yearn to be alone, however, does not mean that one loves the Partner enough. On the contrary, distance to the Partner is healthy, so Jamea, and, accordingly, this is also the desire to do so.
  • The time non-productive use: The Internet runs on of creative projects, where people have committed since the beginning of the pandemic. Because of the impression that you should use the time to work, for example, on his relationship easily. This claim, however, can exert pressure, and therefore a hindrance to be. It is also with the normal stressors of the crisis is already busy enough and should expose its relationship to any additional pressure, the rates of the Experts.

  • The future of planning is paused : Since no one can say how long the restrictions are going to affect our everyday life, are long-term plans doesn’t seem to be possible. Couples stagnate, therefore, in their planning for the future. Engagement and wedding were still in front of Corona, a much discussed issue, it can lead to the Slow down even for a reassessment of the relationship.
  • Different handling of the pandemic: couples meet under circumstances, in this time from a different perspective. Contrary opinions to the handling of the pandemic, a frequent topic of debate, which can ensure to see your Partner with new eyes in these times.
  • A separation is delayed: Would lead to one of the listed problems in normal times, perhaps to a separation, so this can look while Corona is quite different. The circumstances are not just good for the termination of a relationship, which is why couples tend to live side by side, and the separation of deferring, as long as the exceptional situation persists, as Jamea more.

How Corona a positive effect on a relationship

may be affected in addition to the risks presented by Corona for couples and their relationships, however, could be also observed a positive effect of the pairs themselves and the therapists.

  • More appreciation for the Partner: experience The Partner as a Rock in the Surf, or just scores in the management of the crisis, can lead to increased appreciation for this. Also, for the first time aware of how well the Partner did certain things, it can be a positive side effect.
  • Even more familiar with each other: The increased togetherness can also lead to an even deeper intimacy. Habits or quirks that you would have otherwise, perhaps in front of the Partner, hidden, learning is inevitably to know to light, and pairs even better.
  • A better Partner to : The a lot of free time gives you the room and close the opportunity to work on yourself and the partnership. Couples no longer talk with more time, since they live in the vortex of the hustle and bustle of everyday life past each other. To be on the Partner as the only social contact is thrown back, makes a employment together almost unavoidable and can be very fruitful for the development of the relationship.

Kimberly Papenthin In FOCUS Online/Wochit In the

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