Not only in the media and at demonstrations the ghosts just about as much caution in regard to which is currently attached.

in your own circle of splits in various groups.

there are those who would fall loved one to immediately re each around the neck. Then there are people walking laps on the 1.5-Meter distance as a new Hobby have found, and then there are those who gets, somehow, even to your face, because you have dug in for weeks, more or less.

in these last persons, one meets more and more frequently on a new phenomenon that worried, in the meantime, psychologists around the world: the Corona-phobia.

If you no longer trust yourself to the doctor

Because many patients are afraid of a contagion, are many practices and clinics so empty, and for how long.

According to a survey of the doctors ‘ Union Marburger Bund ten percent of the staff Doctors through this Situation now, even in short-time work, reports the Heidenheimer Zeitung.

This is worrying, because more than half of the patients in the practices is chronically ill and on regular treatment, instructed, noted Stephan Hofmeister, Deputy chief of the kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung (KBV).

Nevertheless, it seems as if these patients sit out on the fear of the Corona of their own health problems rather easily.

this Is still relatively?

when are exaggerating the Worry?

The question of proportionality in dealing with the care of Corona, are investigated by the two psychologists, Jill Newby, and Aliza Werner-Seidler in Sydney.

On the academic Online platform ‘The Conversation’, list some of the signs on when it is your own trepidation in relation to the Virus device is gradually out of control.

This is the case, for example, if its own Fears are out of proportion to the actual danger.

Who, for example, is young, no medical pre-existing conditions, and, in principle, to the recommended hygiene rules, but still worried, hardly can come to rest, has lost itself may be in a phobia.

Carefully, you should be especially if this results in even modified behaviour patterns: If certain actually safe situations with other people can be avoided or you spend a lot of time to monitor your own body for symptoms.

Also, excessive obsession when washing your hands, Disinfecting and Cleaning of objects can talk in combination with some previously mentioned points to ensure that the fear of a contagion neurotic become.

Five tips against the Corona-phobia

As with any psychological stress, can also lead to an overly strong Corona-phobia to negative interference in daily life.

So it is not in the best case, but only so far as to give the two anxiety Experts, five psychological tips:

1. News-Detox

Generally, nothing speaks against it, to want to stay up to date.

however, If time spent with this dread news about COVID-19 to read, the upper hand wins, can the the own fear unfavorable in addition to fuel.

in between to focus on positive news, stories or activities, help, from one’s own Fears distract.

2. Mind over feelings,

undoubtedly the Coronavirus has resulted in many family tragedies. Nevertheless, we must not forget about the fact that over 90 percent of the in Germany with the Coronavirus people infected have already recovered.

of Course caution is advised, but even if it should come to a contagion, is the probability that the own body with the Virus is well finished, is much higher than it comes to serious complications.

3. The body rest

Oh, Oh, a single cough? And the neck could be scratching? to hear

On the own body, on the one hand is good. On the other hand may result, especially in these times, too much focus on him, that quickly becomes hypochondriac.

here, Too, the principle of the distraction-again By the spirit is kept up with activity in a good mood, he will lose easier for the überkontroll students view on their own body.

4. In activism, convert

The development of the Corona falls, unfortunately, only in the own sphere of activity. However, it may be helpful to focus on what is in the area of its control.

This includes, for example, for enough sleep, sports, or keep in touch with friends and family.

This not only strengthens the immune system, but also ensures a healthy mind – has incidentally less time to torture yourself with Worry.

5. To a psychologist

turn everything Helps nothing? Okay, everyone knows their own limits best. In this case, it is in no way odd to get professional help.

a call to the health insurance company can help sometimes, because this offer will not rarely own health courses in the area of Mental Health.

in addition, the own family doctor is a good place to go to for advice.

in Addition, there is on anxiety specialist psychologist, the phenomenon of Corona-phobia by the way is already familiar to you.

acceptance of restrictions on after

Even if there is a part of the population, the persistent fear of the Corona is dominated, growing in Germany at the moment, especially the proportion of those who face the risk of the Virus, more and more relaxed.

As in the weekly results desCorona monitor of the Federal Institute for risk assessment, there are considered only health effects of Coronavirus is becoming smaller and smaller, but also the acceptance of measures to curb the spread decreases with the Germans.

the last surveys in the context of the BfR, Corona showed monitor from 19.05., that is now down to 78 percent of the representative’s total population hold a mask obligation is appropriate. A month previously, this value had on 21.04. still at 86 percent.

Also, contact and travel restrictions to ten percent less popular find, in the meantime, already in the surveyed population.

can handling as a healthy respect for the Virus in an excessive phobia, this shows that, unfortunately, a tendency in the other direction and quickly in recklessness can ring-around.

Ultimately, it is probably just the right in between – if elusive – to find Balance for yourself in these times.


  • BfR-Monitor (2020): BfR-Corona-Monitor of 21. April, retrieved on 25.05.20:
  • BfR-Monitor (2020): BfR-Corona-Monitor of 19. May, retrieved on 25.05.20:
  • HZ (2020): Coronavirus, Germany. Dangerous fear of the Virus, archived from the original on 25.05.20:
  • The conversation (2020): 7 ways to manage your corona phobia, retrieved on 25.05.2020:

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*The post “fear of Covid-19: Five ways out of the Corona-phobia” will be released by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
