the Heavy artillery: “I don’t want Bayern is still infected by the careless policy, which is made in Thuringia.” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) do not fit the limbering-up exercises of his Thuringian counterpart, Bodo Ramelow (Left) in the Corona of a crisis at all. And the Bavarian interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) threatened the East German neighbours, even with counter-measures. “We will certainly not sit idly by, like Ramelow is making great gains in the fight against the highly dangerous Coronavirus carelessly destroyed.”

Only the political fray, or is there more to it – due to Differences in the infection happen in the East and the West?

Less deaths in the East

In West Germany, there are a few Thousand deaths in Eastern Germany a few hundred – but with significantly less inhabitants. The Statistical office of Thuringia, has now calculated the number of Corona-infections of the Federal States per 100,000 inhabitants. And since the values lie in the East German länder in which the West Germans, with the exception of Schleswig-Holstein.

Thuringia came up with, for example, Stand 25. May, as Ramelow in the withdrawal from the General Corona-restrictions against nationwide criticism defended, 134 Infected since the beginning of the pandemic per 100,000 inhabitants. In Bavaria, there were Infected after 354, in Saxony and Brandenburg, respectively, 128 and in North Rhine-Westphalia, 208 Infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

by far, the lowest values recorded in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt with 47 and 77 Infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

  • recommended reading: All the messages to the Coronavirus you read in the news Ticker of FOCUS Online.

, Almost all länder in the East to announce relaxations

Less noisy than Thuringia have made in the past few days, almost all East German Prime Minister a far-reaching loosening of the Corona-payments restrictions in view. Also in Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), was, like Ramelow from the Commandments instead of Prohibited speech.

May Ramelow goes on about – he left open by the Protocol note in the case of the Federal government and the States negotiated a new contact limitations a different approach. Almost defiantly, he said: “Because I row for a bit.”

“state regulations based interventions”, which were only entitled, if the Infections require the. “This obligation is with us,” said Ramelow. And: “I didn’t tell anyone, pulls down the Mouth guard.”

Several reasons for the differences between the East and the West

But why is the Situation in the East as in the West? Experts cite several reasons for this: The comparatively low population density or a relatively high proportion of older people in Thuringia, is about one third of the 60 years and older. These people belong to the risk group, but they are considered to be less mobile and might a decelerating have the Virus spread cast, a statement from the Bremen Leibniz-Institute for prevention research and epidemiology.

And less likely to be East German made in ski resorts such as Ischgl in Austria on holiday and the Virus introduced. As the restrictions in Germany started, there were between the Baltic sea and the Thuringian forest, only relatively few infections. The Corona-prevention was in an early stage, experts believe.

reading tip: The big Corona Unknown, researchers riddles

On Tuesday, the Cabinet deals with Ramelows plans

Whether Ramelow, whose Corona-single-handedly ensures that, even in its red-red-green coalition in Erfurt for irritation, and may enforce, will show the next few days. This Tuesday (2. June) to the study of the Cabinet of Ministers the proposals of the heads of government, according to which only the distance bid and the mask mandatory in public transport would remain. In addition, a limit of 35 new HIV infections per 100 000 inhabitants per week to apply – he is achieved, there are regional restrictions.

A Problem for Ramelow of the district sun mountain, stay right at the border to Bavaria, to the Söder looks. There are, as before, the Corona-outbreaks – last before Pentecost, in a nursing home with elderly residents.

Söders policy catapulted him in the popularity values directly behind the Chancellor

if Ramelow still, he could apply as an Opener in the Corona-crisis, during Söder has scored, especially with its restrictive course. The Bavarian Prime Minister has catapulted with his policy of increased caution on the popular heitsskala of German politicians to the top. In the latest ZDF-political barometer of the as a solid crisis Manager perceived Franke was on rank two behind Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

the successes are not Söders not so clear. With Rosenheim, Regensburg and the district of Coburg in Bavaria since weeks, the particular nation-wide leader in the weekly numbers of people infected in relation to the population. In Thuringia, there were days, the districts Greiz and Sonneberg.

According to a new survey Ramelow, with its price only every Fourth has behind: His radical easing plans will be rejected, according to the ZDF-political barometer, 72 percent of the Germans.

the Truck rest on the crowd in Minneapolis – demonstrators to remain unharmed, FOCUS Online/Wochit Truck hurtling towards the crowd of people in Minneapolis – protesters remain unharmed
