students can look forward to starting in the autumn on an exciting project of the week – and the farms in their home to explore. A collaboration with the builders Association makes it possible.

Erding/Isen – Seven years have started fighting, the country women for a new school subject called “life skills”, with the policy negotiated in a Petition. Now you have reached an important stage. Starting next school year, project days or weeks, it will give to all the schools under the slogan “school for life”. However, the implementation on the ground should not be so easy.

circle farmer’s wife Irmgard Posch is happy that it had managed to their fellow finally. She said at a press conference in the elementary and middle school Isen. In January, the Bavarian Cabinet decided the introduction of the concept “school for life”. Starting next school year it will be implemented. Twice children and young people should be during their school career is directly related to the topics of agriculture, regional production, local and healthy food to face – once in elementary school and once in secondary education (grades five to nine).

After the Whitsun holiday will receive the schools informed

After the Whitsun holidays the schools by the Ministry of education recommendations for action. The Bavarian farmers ‘ Association, conveyed to his colleagues at the facilities and is coordinating the visits. Conversely, the farmers are trained, what they teach the girls and boys. But also nature conservation organisations are involved in the “school of life”. Because of environmental and consumer protection are to be covered with.

The focus of the visits on the farm are farms in the Region. Where this is not possible, to experts of agriculture come to the classes, the children inform, with you food select and cook together.

Where does our food come from?

“We want to teach the children where their food comes from, how to eat a healthy diet, which seasonal fruits and vegetables, and what is the importance of agriculture for the supply of the people,” explains Posch. In the early days of the Corona-crisis children would have experienced the full supermarket shelves are not a matter of course.

Isens head of school Michael Oberhofer holds the project weeks for an “excellent idea”, but also emphasizes “that we are already working with the farmers around Isen well together”. The offer of the farmers to open their farms or to get into the classes was “a big win”. This was especially true for facilities in the cities, “whose children would have far more no contact to the producers of the food. It was important to convey “what is to be cultivated in us all”. In addition, children from the city would be farms, often only out of a picture book.

farmers but also have reservations – not all to do with

BBV circle Chairman Jakob Maier praised the commitment of the rural women. Also Poschs predecessor Elisabeth Mayr had used for a private school. However, Maier also spoke of “a major challenge”. In Bavaria there is 10 000 school classes, “we have to find enough colleagues to join in”. Not everyone was willing to open his farm. “Yes, this is also associated with risks.” A whole project week was also a unique holiday programme-visit to a comparable. His impression is “that the Ministry of education put the implementation on the farmers”. There is in his profession, but also reservations stand “quite”. However, you have fought a long time in fact to the mediation of peasant knowledge in the schools. Overall, it was a good project.

Director Oberhofer: Well, that the schools are open

Oberhofer said: “Because you have to collect now’em out, see and experience”. It was a “mutual learning process”. Basically, the Director praises the Opening of schools for external experts. This was not the case for the Agricultural-action “school of life”.

information about the project and its implementation to get schools and teachers at the BBV office in Erding Tel. (0 81 22) 94 53 90 or under