Just a game supervised Pure Leilt FC Real Kreuth on the side line, then Corona made a dash through the bill.

Kreuth – Also to FC Real Kreuth, it became quiet. Not only the enter Bacher puts the brakes on needless to say, the current Situation, the Impact of New coach Reiner Leitl is restricted to currently right, of course. In an Interview with our newspaper, the 60-Year-old, among other things, insights into the difficult training.

Mr Leitl, in these times, first and foremost the most Important thing: How are you?

I’m actually good so far. Apart from the Situation around the Coronavirus is everything to me in order.

The Corona-crisis is likely to have hit you at FC Real Kreuth. Finally, your team completed their line – since your assumption of office at the end of October – only a duty to the game.

of course The Situation is not satisfactory, because we had actually completed a good preparation. We would have been ready for a good Start, then the Corona came out but this is well known topic in between. However, neither we nor the other something can.

your team has the training, under strict conditions resumed. How is the Training currently?

to convey The resumption of training the boys hard. You can’t make a fight, and no forms practice. In principle, it is a bit out there and a lot of fun. Of course, you can practice certain things, but the training operation is very limited. For example, no edge-training is possible because you can’t make head balls. In the end, you can learn technical things, but that of course will eventually get boring.

Leitl: “It is difficult”

is Clear: The training situation is difficult, but it can also be a Chance to to work just also to to things, for the otherwise hard to find the time?

Yes, this is actually the best that you can do as otherwise perhaps only in a Training with special Exercises, but now in two or three. Nevertheless, Exercise and game is just something else, because you are acting as may, in the hustle and bustle, or in the two the fight is. The technical things you can do but how about the passing game, long balls and Dribbling. Must be implemented but it is still in the Competition and we don’t have at the Moment. It doesn’t help me if my player can play a shell game, and four weeks later, the opponent stands there then all of a sudden. It is so difficult.

As you have signed in Kreuth, the goal was to Orient themselves in the medium term upwards. To what extent influenced the current Situation this goal?

Currently, it is still too early to assess. The back round start would have been for us as a location important, also to see whether we can implement this, as I imagine it. In the test play, it has been observed that one or the other can work, but point – and preparation for games are two different Pair of shoes. All in All, we want to knock up. But, as I said, The location would have been important to see if we are already so far.

Leitl: demolition would be preferable for me

From the 1. September will be continued in the season. To see the time to be realistic?

I can’t tell you how such a thing is feasible should be. The players in the Amateur field have finally leagues quite different conditions than the in the professional. We are definitely not equipped so that we can control, temperature measurement, or the like, could. In addition, we also do not know what the players are doing on the weekend. Everyone is responsible for themselves, and I hope that we come out of this Situation. No one can say how the Situation develops with this Virus. In addition, there are currently only two associations, which have not cancelled the season. Personally, I would have preferred it if we would have canceled the current season, and in September – if it is possible – the season 2020/21 started.

you can look back on a long player and coaching career. The current Situation is the most extraordinary thing for you so far?

Yes, definitely. Something similar I’ve experienced in my career, never, but I think that the many so. Of course, one has also a little scared, because it can catch a yourself.