the tent, The response to the “action against beer-sexism” is enormous, said the Passauer student Corinna Schütz on Tuesday. Up for the morning, more than 23 500 people were involved in the Petition. Encouragement would you get from representatives of the various parties. The group understands itself as non-partisan and wants to appeal to all social groups. The Danube song describes the rape of a sleeping girl and is often played in the beer tents. The initiators want to contact in a next step, again, to the Passau’s Lord mayor Jürgen Dupper (SPD) and ask for support, so that in the future, at folk festivals in the lower Bavarian city of the Singing of the Danube song. In addition, the establishment of a citizens ‘ initiative imminent, said contactor, the forward slopes of the Corona-related circumstances.

in addition to the very many positive letters from all over Germany, the group has gotten on the Internet, a Shitstorm, which is aimed primarily against Corinna protective personally. “That’s enough to rape and murder threats,” said the 22-Year-old. You wish that on the subject of objectively could be discussed.
