from an internal list of the Federal Ministry of Finance, as the “editors’ network Germany” (“reported RND”) from Wednesday. Therefore, in the calculation, the half of the Takeover of municipal debt by the Federal government above a base, as well as the planned half of the compensation of the loss of trades will be counted tax revenue.

For both of these benefits together, the Federal government would provide 28.5 billion euros, the Federal States would have to contribute to the Scholz Plan the same amount once more.

  • read more: For short-time work, children, money, and municipalities: the Federal government wants to again flow 80 billion spread

, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse would have the largest parts from

With just under 13 billion euros, the largest share of Federal funds in the CDU-governed state of North Rhine would-Westphalia. On rank two the SPD was led by Rhineland-Palatinate with grants in the amount of 3.7 billion Euro, followed by the CDU-governed state of Hesse, the would be a relief in the amount of 2.1 billion euros.

of lower Saxony (1.5 billion Euro), Bavaria (1.1 billion), as well as Bremen, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland (all around 1 billion) follow on the next places. Added together would flow from the 28.5 billion euros for struggling municipalities 18.8 billion in Federal States, with the Prime Ministers of the CDU or CSU.

Union countries are opposed to the Plan – mainly to old debts, there is dispute

In the Union, there are, however, massive resistance to the SPD required discharge of cities and municipalities. Especially the social Democrats-powered Takeover of municipal debt by the Federal government is rejected by leading Union politicians. Bavaria’s Prime Minister, Markus Söder, had described the plans as “nonsensical”. “Bayern will pay the bill for the failures of other countries”, had the Country, announced the Minister of Finance Albert Füracker (CSU).

“no one has demanded that Bayern also have to pay a Cent for the other Federal States”, said the municipal policy spokesman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Bernhard Daldrup, the “RND”. “We are talking here about a Transfer of debts of distressed municipalities to the Federal government,” said the SPD politician. “Basically, Bayern has to do with anything.” Without such a scheme over-indebted cities would always lose the connection. “We now need an act of solidarity”, called for Daldrup.

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Huge Constrictor snake wishes has a young deer in its grip until the tide of young deer in its grip to turn the page
