Italy wants to its limits from the 3. June for tourists open. The entry for EU citizens is to be possible, without the need of then in quarantine. The Italian foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio argues for a cross-border summer vacation: “are we Working towards it, that we can all start together new: 15. June is for the tourist a bit of the European D-Day,“ he told the TV channel Rai on Tuesday.

Austria has already confirmed, tourists to the burner by, if you can prove Tirol without a residence through the planned vacation in Italy, for example, through a hotel booking.

South Tyrol advertises being reinforced by tourists, mainly from Germany. Landeshauptmann Arno Kompatscher stressed that the transit of German through Austria. The entry for German tourists here is only 3. June without any restrictions, but the Hotels have already opened and can be booked. It will, however, apply a strict distance. Kompatscher wants to offer tourists and even volunteers to Free-Corona Tests. The regions of Veneto or Sardinia advertise in order “to be Covid-free” means that the situation is under control, even though there was also, of course, there infections.

Up to 3. June is allowed entry into Italy only if it is work-related journeys, for health reasons or absolute necessity. After entry a duty to notify the local Italian health office, as well as the obligation of a 14-day quarantine. At airports and ports, but also at the port of entry and overland transport, are health checks carried out with temperature measurements.

In Germany: travel warning still applies to the 14. June

In Germany is currently the global travel warning. Heiko Maas had them last up to 14. June extended. In time for the start of the holiday season, you should then 15. June for 31 European countries . Including Italy, where the further development of the Corona pandemic permits.

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas, would like to replace the travel warning due to individual trip notes. So vacations should be possible, and at the same time, the economic stability in the respective countries. Italy would be located: in addition to the Turkey and Spain, the country is one of the most popular travel destinations of Germans.

Sufficient medical treatment options for Locals and tourists required

consumer advocates are calling for, however, if possible, uniform European hygiene rules. As necessary for the recovery of tourism they consider health protocols in Hotels with spacing rules. Buffets in Hotels are forbidden. In addition, to ensure a wide range of disinfection options as well as plenty of medical treatment options for Locals and tourists to be.

read all the latest developments in the Corona pandemic in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online

minimum distance in the case of sunbeds, pre-registration for beach visit

Since the 18th century. May be allowed to open cafes, Bars and Restaurants as well as salons and boutiques in Italy. Also the visiting of museums and libraries is permitted.

For all of the activities apply rules of distance. Masks are in enclosed spaces, obligation or where there is a minimum distance of one Meter can not be guaranteed.

On the beach each beach umbrella should have a space of ten square meters around it, such as the “Tagesschau” reported. The sun without sun screen must be 1.5 meters away from each other, and after a change of ownership to be disinfected. Pre-bookings for the access to the beach bathrooms to prevent people from frolicking too close to each other.

Lufthansa flies to Rome and Milan are already back in

air traffic to Italy is still very limited. A few of the Connections with Lufthansa, Alitalia and Eurowings to continue to exist. Lufthansa about flying to Rome and Milan on a regular basis. In mid-June the German airline wants to flight to Bologna and Venice again in your program record. The last of the futile attempt of Euro wings, to fly two passengers from Düsseldorf despite a country ban after Sardinia had made the headlines.

the Colosseum, Vatican museums: Italy’s top attractions re-open

of The 1. June is for Rome and the tourist something like a day of resurrection, even if only symbolically: The Colosseum and the Vatican museums are open again.

At the entrance to the Museum, which is one of the most visited in the world, you need to pass visitors with a thermal scanner. Disinfectants and masks are mandatory. Also, a reservation is compulsory, groups are allowed to be a maximum of ten people.

Normally, up to 27 000 people per day through the magnificent halls. After the re-opening on Monday, the Museum Director of the Vatican museums does not expect a rush. Also, the Manager of the Coliseum, in front of the usually from early to late, people jostling, speaks of the “difficult months” and a “surreal silence”.

the President of The Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, is optimistic. He advertises for the visit of the Unesco city of Venice and says: “We are ready to receive people from all over the world”.

return to Germany: the rules for mandatory Quarantine note

holiday-makers should the start of the journey prior to travel with the current regulations for re-entry into Germany on the website of the Federal foreign office become familiar. Currently, people coming from an EU country with a high rate of infection in Germany, it is recommended that only a 14-day quarantine.

Corona-Virus in Italy

Italy is the focal point of Europe is considered to be Corona. 32.955 died in the Land of the respiratory infection. As a measure of the Italian government to lock-in led to one of the most stringent output in the world. Slowly, the country can breathe a sigh of relief: The number of new Infections fell most recently (as of: 27.05.).

read more:

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