The investigation Committee of the North Rhine-Westphalia, the country pushes tags to the year-long abuse on a campsite in Lügde increasingly to the limits of the enlightenment. In the nearly two-hour testimony of an employee of the youth welfare office, Hameln-Pyrmont, Germany remained the most of the questions on Tuesday went unanswered.

employee of the youth welfare office refuse cooperation

The lawyer of the witness to be pointed repeatedly to the fact that of the investigation Committee of the düsseldorf country have tags no skills, intra-governmental Affairs in lower Saxony behind the questions. The SPD-deputies Jürgen Berghahn raised the question whether, in view of a Committee of inquiry in lower Saxony would be due.

The investigation Committee in Dusseldorf is trying to educate as to the hundred times the abuse could come without the authorities to the criminal activities were. The focus is on the suffering of a little girl who was given as a foster child to the Pädokriminellen on the campsite. Since the man lived in Lippe, Lügde, and the child’s mother in Hameln-Pyrmont, were employed two youth offices beyond the country’s borders with the case.

High emotional led stuff to be questioning in the case Lüdge

In the highly emotionally-led questioning of witnesses by members of all parties defendant, indignantly, that a lot of questions that should help to exclude similar incidents in the future, not answered. The Committee attempts to find out who was what is responsible, why not be traded, and how it was possible that a pedophile gets a foster daughter, said the SPD Deputy Andreas Bialas.

in the past week, the Committee means of coercion at the higher regional court of Düsseldorf has requested two witnesses, the Hameln also at the youth office-had Pyrmont and on an all-encompassing right to refuse Disclosure claimed. Reporting team in Washington in front of the camera by police officers FOCUS Online/Wochit reporting team in Washington attacked on camera by police officers

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