is Unknown, the sweet Terrier of the Kraillinger family Raith to kill. It is not the first threat – a dog has already been poisoned.

Krailling – The Kraillinger family Raith has to endure for many years, psychological terror, and threats against their dogs. 2012 dead your Jack Russell Terrier Timmy in agony, after he had eaten in the garden, thrown bait was poisoned with slug pellets. Later, a neighbor of the family was sentenced to several thousand euros. He had threatened, among other things, the son of Tobias Raith with a gun after he and other youths had rung the day after the death of Timmy’s late at night drunk with him and questioned him of the incident.In 2016, the new dog in the family, Jimmy was threatened with a grave light at the garden gate, on which a black cross, as well as a photo of a Jack Russell Terriers were shown. Then there was quiet for the first time – until Friday of last week.

wooden cross at the garden gate

As Andrea Fleer-Raith this Friday went in the morning to the garden door to get the newspaper, there was a wooden cross. It was shown how, at the time, in the grave light of a dog’s head, in addition to the year 2020 and a question mark. “It’s the same scheme as before, and we think, therefore, that it is the same offender,” says Helmut Raith.

on the Side of the cross, a muzzle-sticker is a prompt that the family is to create the dog a muzzle, so he barks less. “But you must not make for such a small dog and it would be cruelty to animals. Jimmy is also much quieter than our murdered Timmy,“ says Helmut Raith.

Since this spring, a neighbor of the family in the mountain road also has a dog. “For example, if the postman comes, barking both dogs, and sometimes each other. From time to time turns yet another dog from the street then,“ says Helmut Raith. This could possibly be the reason why the threats to go after a couple of years now. Against the families of the two other dogs but there were no threats.

family complaint with police

For family Raith it’s a shock that you again need to fear for the life of your dog. The family, as reported in the other cases, display in the planegger police and Jimmy accommodated for the time being, somewhere else, so he is out of the firing line. “Re killing, we would no longer create psychologically”, says Helmut Raith. The Kraillinger family has no concrete suspicion of who is behind the threat and the murder of Timmy. It must be a local resident, the Barking of a dog disturbs.

Stay sought

The Terrier Jimmy have his owners reasons, although housed in the Moment of safety to another place, where he can remain for a long time. The family of Raith is looking for a new place to Stay where the Jack Russell Terrier may live for some time. Who would like to help the family is asked to sign up by Mail to our editorial team (