a life as A political Pensioner had not filled in. Therefore, Dr. Sigrid meierhofer on an activity that is familiar. For Garmisch-Partenkirchen’s Ex-mayor is almost back to her roots.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – politicians tend to be soft, regardless of whether you are volunteering out of office, divorced, or were deselected. This applies to politicians of all Stripes. Examples? Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) landed came under the Supervisory Board of the Russian energy giant Gazprom, the former kanzelamt Minister Ronald Pofalla (CSU) as the Board of Directors at Deutsche Bahn. Recently, the former SPD Federal Chairman Andreas Nahles hit the headlines, because they will receive the office of the President of the Federal Institute for Post and telecommunications.

What is joyful in the Large often the indignation of friends, ill-wishers and self-righteous on the Plan calls for, there’s also at the municipal level. Ex-mayor, the feel is still too young for a life as a Pensioner and are looking for new or old fields of activity. Thomas Schmid (at that time, CSB), the lost 2014, the run-off election and had to vacate his Post as Garmisch-Partenkirchner mayor, rose is already three months later, the managing Director of the Bavarian construction industry Association, which has its headquarters in Munich. At that time, a Headhunter on Schmid – long years has been encountered as a Diplomat on the go. Since then, Schmid, who transferred his center of life in the capital has Partenkirchen, Garmisch-only rarely visited.

also read: omitted In the case of a defeat in the runoff election: Meierhofer on the municipal Council mandate

1. September’s los

Neither a head-hunter, Dr. Sigrid meierhofer needed to find a profession, still it attracts you from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The Schmid-successor headed for the SPD for six years, the town hall and the fortunes of the market going back. Not to her roots as a Doctor. Meierhofer, in the run-off election in March of their Challenger Elisabeth Koch (CSU) under the lay, as of September, their teaching activity at the vocational schools for health and children nursing, you are many years had taught. “I am very happy,” says Meierhofer (64), who wrote at the end of the last week of your employment agreement. “Before it is released to the Public, everything should be under one roof,” she explains in an interview with the newspaper. You will take over the 1. September half the body of a colleague, which has extended its Parental leave, and thus belongs, again, to the Team led by head of school Thomas Abold.

More: runoff in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Koch wins significantly – Meier Hofer analyzed the defeat

The Ex-mayor had already hinted in the weeks after their forced parting, that it intends again to enter professional life and your certification needs. Life as a political Pensioner had not filled in. First of all, she had flirted during the High-time of the Corona-pandemic in order to work again as a Doctor, to relieve the colleagues in the hospitals. “This has been done, as it became clear that the crisis has passed its peak.”

a Lot of sports since the deselection

The teacher Meierhofer itself will still need to learn a little bit before she has her first day of school. driven So far, the vocational schools, which are located at the Gehfeldstraße trained, only sick, and sick children’s nurse. Carrier the hospital were, as yet, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the children’s hospital of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Since this year, the Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is one of them. Basic to the generalist training, which the legislator has decided to make the nursing profession more attractive. In addition to children’s health and nursing care for the elderly comes under the roof of the school. “The curriculum is just written completely new,” says Meierhofer.

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you feel fit. The four weeks on the 30. April ended their term of office, she used to have a rest. “I’ve made a lot more sports than in years past.” The good for her. And also the policy that in the past 20 years, with a passion, she has not renounced. “The power of me in front of a lot of fun.” Meierhofer belongs in the next six years of the SPD-group in the district and sits in the Board of Directors of the kreissparkasse. “It’s never boring to me.”