The peissen Berger municipality works continuously invest in your infrastructure. Soon a multi-million dollar large-scale project is on the Agenda: The construction of a modern water storage facility.

Peißenberg – “The quality is excellent. We are far below the limit values. It needs no preparation, nothing,“ replies George Haser, the water master of the community, works, proudly, when he is asked about the quality of the peissen Berger drinking water. Good water quality requires a good technical infrastructure – and in this area, the municipality works will be investing soon to be nearly two million Euro in a new water storage tank.

The peissen Berger water supply runs to the part about the father Zeller Raffel Bach sources. From there, approximately 280,000 cubic metres in the direction of the market town of flow annually. The source water is from a father cell to be running directly into the 137 kilometres long, the local cable system. But there is a second, respectively a third leg to stand on: a Further 430,000 cubic meters per year will be fed by the fountains at the Böbinger Bunting bridge and the “castle” on the South of the Schweiber-yard-located high-level tank into the supply system. The two chambers have a volume of 1000 m3. Every day, around 1200 m3 from the container to flow into the pipeline network.

Peißenberg: a Year of 280,000 cubic meters of father cell

The container is fully functional and optically in good condition, but the 1970-built storage facility in the years to come. The Problem: The high-level tank no longer meets the modern technology and hygiene standards. The two storage chambers, for example, are open and not hermetically sealed. “After 50 years of life is reached at the end of such a tank is easy,” says Haser.

In terms of the municipal works, it has been given different opinions with regard to the old container in order. All came to the same conclusion: the need to act. Right quickly has emerged in the conceptual plans that building a completely new high level tank. The renovation of the existing building fabric would be probably a third cheaper, “but then we have not fixed the hidden defects,” says Church leader Ingrid Haberl: “Technologically, much has changed, since a new building is much more sustainable.”

Peißenberg: high-tank-the new building is sustainable

A rough-cut planning for the new tank is already available. He is to be constructed in a westerly direction adjacent to the previous location. “This is important due to the height difference. It comes to changing hydraulic as little as possible,“ says Haser. The new building should blend into the landscape gently. It is planned to install in a wooden stadelbau two particularly long-lasting, self-contained, and with a pollen filter-equipped stainless steel vessel. Their capacity is adjusted to the expected population growth and including the extinguishing water at 1100 cubic feet per chamber.

Peißenberg: ground-breaking ceremony, if possible still this year

If possible, this year the ground-breaking ceremony is to take place. After the Board of Directors of the municipal works has already given to 2019 to be approval for the project and the purchase of land and dry already, it will soon enter the planning. Haser anticipates a construction period of about a year, so that the new elevated tank 2021 could go into operation. And what about the old tank? It is not demolished, but in any case, be taken out of operation. The plant as a reserve depot to continue, would not be economical. “We need to rehabilitate the tank, yeah still. In addition, we would eventually, no approval more,“ explains plant Manager Haberl.

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