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Each of him. Sometimes, it’s not coming without him even in the supermarket: the shopping cart. So far, the shops rely on disinfectants in the shopping carts, which must often be of staff applied.

But also the employees of any danger, the Startup Saiko machine technology has developed to be the “Desocube” – a carwash for shopping carts. How the Whole thing works, you will see more in the Video above.

photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa CHIP Corona Edeka and Rewe to put the car on a car wash for shopping customers use a Service like

Currently, there are 60 car washes in nine States. They are available in the branches of Edeka and Rewe. The retailers, according to the wash are popular streets for shopping streets. In some branches, almost every customer should take advantage of the “Desocube” – some people probably is only, therefore, to the supermarket. The “Lebensmittel Zeitung” reported.

the purchase of The “Desocubes” is not for the supermarkets cheap. While the test versions of the car wash for shopping trolleys per item have cost about 1500 Euro, to beat the production model – with some improvements – with up to 4900 euros.

So the “Desocube”

basically the “Desocube is weighing” a kind of washing system for shopping. The customer can push the car into the device, press the button and the car so clean. Then a disinfectant for the hands.

According to the company, the demand is large and, therefore, the “Desocube is” already in series production.

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*The post “car wash for shopping carts: Edeka and Rewe is testing a new Service – how it works” is published by Contact with the executives here.