Tell me what you have consumed during the confinement, I’ll tell you where you live. During two months without (almost) leaving their homes, working (or not working) at a distance, the French were forced to adapt, reveals a Nielsen study conducted for The Journal du Net and relayed by Europe 1. Result : their consumption has evolved, but not necessarily in the same manner from one department to another.

In the top 10 of the products whose consumption has soared, found the kitchen gloves and the soaps. An observation, valid for more than 90 % of departments, with subtleties all the same : in Mayenne and in the Jura, we purchased more soap than the other. If the flour has experienced a boom over the whole territory, this is even more noticeable in the Loire-Atlantique. Pasta, they, has not risen in the ranking since the French have made stock during the three weeks before confinement.

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In the departments where the temperatures were warmer during the confinement, ” the lighter-barbecue, for example, the ice have been rising very sharply and in a more pronounced way “, explains Sébastien Monard, a spokesperson for the firm Nielsen and specialist consumption. In the Vosges and the Upper Rhine, it is the sausage that has had the wind in their sails. On the side of drinks, specificity, again : the gin has known over in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques and Pyrenees-Orientales.

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