The Pentagon does not adopt the tone martial of Donald Trump. Wednesday 3 June, the minister of Defense Mark Esper has publicly opposed the deployment of the american army on the territory, manifestations of racism after the death of the Afro-American George Floyd in the hands of a white policeman. “I am not in favour to declare a state of insurrection” which would allow the president to deploy troops to the active face of the american citizens, and not more of the reservists of the national guard, said Mark Esper during a press conference.

” The option to use the soldiers of the active should be used only as a last resort and in situations of the most urgent and the most dramatic. We are not in this kind of situation today, “he added, after having been strongly criticized the day before for having spoken of the american roads as a” field of battle “. As a top official in the Pentagon, had said the previous day under the cover of anonymity, citing the ” military jargon “, Mark Esper has justified the use of this term by his past as an officer of the army. “This is part of the lexicon of military with which I grew up. This is what we use routinely to describe an area of operations, he explained. This is not a formula directed against the population and certainly not against our fellow americans, as some have suggested. “

also Read Philippe Labro – Donald Trump, the order and the law

The head of the Pentagon has, however, admitted having made a mistake in showing on Monday alongside Donald Trump when he was photographed in front of a church with a bible in his hand, a few minutes after the violent dispersal, with batons and tear gas, of protesters who were protesting peacefully near the White House. “I do all my possible to stay apolitical and to avoid situations that may appear to be political, he said. Sometimes, I succeed ; sometimes I don’t. “

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