The way to Austria is free again Since Thursday, the borders are open. Controls are still available, but not to the extent as in the past.

County – The way to Austria is free, the borders are open. Since Thursday, the County citizens after about three months of the Corona can drive limitations again easily in the neighboring municipalities – and without control. Some of Mittenwald have used the Chance for a tank trip to the tyroleans. Only: How does it work with the journey home? “As a German, you come back always,” says Yvonne Oppermann, spokesperson for the Federal police in Rosenheim. For some time the borders are not open 24 hours, checks take place at the point of entry of bullet points. You should always carry an identification card with. A mandatory Quarantine is no longer valid according to the Robert Koch Institute also. First, if in a country, the number of Corona-new infections exceeds a certain Limit, you should stay after the homecoming two weeks at home. Critically, this is in Europe currently only available for travelers from Sweden.

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