Angela Merkel is categorical. It should not woo a fifth mandate in 2021. The ruling German has assured Thursday that it did ” not really “, despite its popularity, the new nomination to the German chancellorship. She was questioned about this possibility by the public channel ZDF. His determination seems so, that it has added a ” very fast “, a sign that the German chancellor has made his choice.

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The popularity of Angela Merkel, in power since 2005, has fuelled speculation about a new bid next year, even if the chancellor has already repeatedly indicated that it would not. The leader, a German, aged 65 years, is one of the politicians favourite, thanks mainly to the good management, by Germany for the outbreak of novel coronavirus.

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a large lead in the polls, his party, the formation of a conservative CDU party, must elect a new leader at the end of the year, which should then become the candidate for the chancellery. A bitter rival of Angela Merkel, the liberal Friedrich Merz is a candidate, as the leader of a moderate North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet.

also Read Holland : “Angela Merkel always make the right decisions for Europe”

The head of the regional government of Bavaria and leader of the conservative party CSU, Markus Söder, which the management of the epidemic is also welcomed, could also start in the race to the chancellery.

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