from the first to The second round of the municipal elections, alliances have flowered a bit everywhere on the territory, some more surprising than others. To Vénissieux, reports The Progress, the deputy LREM of the Rhone and the candidate of the presidential party, Yves Blein, has merged its list with that of Yalcin Ayvali, ideologically close to Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The regional newspaper reminds that Yalcin Ayvali was presented to the last legislative elections under the banner of the Party of equal justice (YEP), which is regarded as islamic-conservative and communitarian. The program, in particular, a redefinition of the concept of secularism. Symbol of the line defended by the candidate, the retweete regular messages of Elias Imzalène, that Express defined, in an article dated 2013, d'” shaker salafi “.

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“A person is not very committed philosophically”

Yalcin Ayvali, which displays openly its support to the Turkish president, on Twitter, however, presented without a label in the municipal elections, thus abandoning, for this election at least, the colors of the JMP. He finally picked up 5 % of the votes in the first round, and merges so its list with that of Yves Blein (21 % of the vote). The latter will have to beat the mayor outgoing communist Michèle Picard, arrived at the head, march 15, with more than 28 % of the vote.

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For all that, despite the covenant he established with Yalcin Ayvali, the member LREM does not fear to make game of communitarianism. “I’m already the target of this accusation because my list is balanced and representative of Vénissieux. I assume. It was originally planned that Yalcin Ayvali will be with me in the first round, it was not too difficult to renew the discussions “, he explained the Progress. The chosen one sees the same in his new ally, ” a person sensitive to the employment of young and not very committed philosophically “. “It belongs to the Turkish community, and it has to influence its community. It has adopted a label policy without necessarily accede to it “, still provides the candidate LREM.

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