on The 29th of may last, the noise of excavators has surprised the residents of the city of Raguenets Saint-Gratien in the Val-d’oise. The gear have invested the football field in this popular area to destroy literally the public equipment, of which the soil in synthetic had been recently renovated. The objective of the operation in the mayor’s initiative was to make impractical the ground, where was to be held during the weekend of Pentecost a meeting of football bringing together several hundred people, in spite of the ban because of a health crisis.

Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, town councillor and senator LR Val-d’oise, supports and assumes this radical decision. Right in his scarf republican, the woman said, trying to defend the concept of the rule of law against the lawless, and, despite the pressures and threats it is subjected for several days.

Threats and intimidation

In effect, this operation that could be described as zero tolerance for wild matches has upset a number of young people who have demonstrated their discontent in caillassant the town hall, but above all by bringing together in front of the home of the chosen to try to intimidate him.

“I insulted her,” says the senator. They have threatened my family and even my mother. She is aged 85, his health is fragile and has always lived in the HOUSING estate in the neighbourhood of the Raguenets to the side of the stage. “

After the passage of the backhoe, there is nothing. © DR

Championship wild

A situation denounced firmly by Julien Bachard, the mayor of the city. It illustrates, according to him, the increasing difficulty for elected representatives to respect the laws of the Republic in some districts. “This city-stadium was intended to serve the children and teens of the neighborhood, recalls the chosen one. But the structure has been literally privatized by young adults who have gone so far as to install their own locks for managing access. They hold tournaments wild, such as this championship, last year, which was held for a month, with flares, dangerous dogs, rodeos and wild horns. The inhabitants of the district have experienced a hell. We have not been able to do anything, because the State does not have the means to enforce the order in some districts, and especially do not dare intervene for fear of causing riots. And installs an exception in cities, but we refuse. The act and the rules should apply everywhere. “

The decision of the town council has upset a number of young people. © DR

up roared up to the gates of her family home in Saint-Gratien, Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio not loose anything. The destruction of this stage was, according to her, the only solution to restore order in this city. The municipality has also planned to transform the site in real play area for the children. For the senator, this arm of iron goes beyond a debate around the use of sports equipment. “It is a real distrust vis-à-vis the authority and the State. These individuals are not kids. They send more young people to caillasser and break and they are calling for a football stadium shouting give us our football stadium ! or This stage is to us ! But this equipment is not their property. It belongs to the community and there are rules to follow. Today we are confronted with individuals who are trying to reverse the values and strength.

The Prime minister said. The stages remain closed due to the health crisis, and matches are prohibited. These individuals wanted to, after the clandestine meetings held in Grigny (Essonne) on the 26th of may last, to play the return match at home. This is unacceptable. “This Thursday, the mayor’s office has been contacted by a lawyer requesting an amicable settlement and” keeping their football field in an operational state “. Case to follow.