this Friday is the world day of the environment. Karlheinz and Norma Seim are on the subject of sustainability of the great examples: The Ickinger provide up to 90 percent with self-generated energy. Their project started innocently enough – with the visit of the chimney sweep.

Icking – A white-painted house with the dark roof tiles, in front of it a paved terrace with white garden chairs on the roof perched a photovoltaic system: From the outside the house of the Seims does not look conspicuous. A real energy bundle of Power is hidden in the building: within your own four walls, Karlheinz Seim and his wife, Norma, generate about 90 percent of its energy needs. Only Biogas buy them from organic sugar residues beet.

Ickinger generate 90 percent of its energy needs itself

Karl-Heinz Seim, a slender, gray-haired man in a black turtleneck sweater, flits nimbly down the stairs to the basement – to the heart of the house, a CHP plant. “More often than the old heater, I’m going down and look to the Right,” he says.

The idea is to transform your home into a showcase for sustainability, for the Seims of 2009, rather at random: “The chimney sweep said to me that we need a new heating system,” says the Ickinger. “I thought to myself: If I renew it, I would like to implement the sustainable, renewable energy.”

His wife stood fully behind the idea. Their only condition is that The daily operation was not allowed to change. “Vacuum cleaner and the iron must function at all times, not just when we generate electricity,” says Seim with a wink.

the idea for the project arose by chance

Said and done. From then on, the pensioners concerned itself intensively with the topic of sustainability, visited trade fairs, professional presentations, researched on the Internet. He came across the sector, coupling with her, he wanted to reach his goal.

Down in the basement arrived, opens Seim the white door to the boiler room: What looks cabinets at first glance, like two oversized cooling, is in fact a cogeneration plant. A fuel cell, an auxiliary burner and a water storage hide. In the fuel cell hydrogen and oxygen react with each other, thereby generating heat and electricity, explains Seim. A power storage in the corner hoarding the excess energy.

In the case of the project not everything always ran smoothly. “At the beginning of the implementation was not easy,” says Seim. “Everything was new, companies, and authority had to be found in the topic first.” In the meantime, however, there is expertise and experience. “Many things have become easier, and there is some experience,” stresses Seim.

in 2014, an electric car is in the Garage

Repents, he has to be a time-consuming business, not for a second. “It takes a lot of time, but such innovative things to make me pretty fun,” says the pensioner. Since 2014, an electric car is also available in the Garage of the Seims. Right next to the charging station, which is, of course, operated by the self-generated electricity.

Back on top in the living room, get the Ickinger his Tablet. Since one and a half years, he uses a special energy-Management System, which controls all of the energy processes in the house. Seim pulls his round glasses on his nose and explained: in the Middle of the screen, a blue house icon is a large green circle for the home. Consumption 110 watts is including.

+ controls on the screen: With his Tablet Karlheinz Seim directs the energy generated in his house.©Hans Lippert

Other symbols outside of the circle about the photovoltaic system with 78 watts and a fuel cell with 660 watts. You have arrows leading into the house. “This amount of energy the two produce straight,” explains the Ickinger.

From the beginning, has led Karlheinz Seim carefully book. Therefore, he knows: “What to produce photovoltaic and fuel cells daily, is to a large extent daily in the household and for our E-car consumes.” Because for the couple electricity and petrol costs as well as the Car-tax elimination, pays off the matter: “Since the start of the project in 2013, we cost – saving per year is about 3800 Euro energy and operating,” says the Ickinger proud of. After nearly seven years have paid off, the sustainable project is now complete.

Icking: Sustainable project has in the meantime

will not be Boring to the pensioners, therefore, in the future, but. “I will continue to hold lectures to inform people about the importance of sustainable solutions with renewable energies”, he reveals his plans for the future.

With different actions involved, however, the Ickinger Federal nature conservation for the biodiversity – and call for imitation. The municipality has just started a new project. It says: “habitat garden”.
