Faster-than-expected German table tennis Stars return during the Corona pandemic in the Competitive mode. As the world and European Championships may not take place, has invented the national coach just a private tournament.

Düsseldorf (dpa) – Timo Boll against the Swedish Kristian Karlsson. This game would have seen table tennis Fans this year at the world Team championship in South Korea or at least at the individual European Championships in Warsaw.

Because the do not or perhaps not more, but because of the Corona of a pandemic, there is now the “Düsseldorf Masters”: A tournament series with German and partially also top international players, who all live in Düsseldorf or train. The power of this master to a Competition Format that is compatible without much effort with the logistical and hygienic requirements at this time.

“It is simply time that I get a bit of adrenaline,” said the 39-year-old Boll, the ARD”sports show”. Because this is exactly what these until at least August scheduled tournaments in the hall of the German record champion Borussia Düsseldorf: the German table tennis Stars get after weeks of individual sessions in the Corona-crisis-finally-Competition practice.

In the first edition, Boll won the semi-final against Karlsson (3:1), then the final against the Bundesliga player Steffen Mengel from the TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt (3:1). The world ranking Tenth had cured to the beginning of the pandemic, an injury and several weeks of “no racket in the Hand”.

Thought of that. the “Düsseldorf Masters”, the German national coach Jörg Roßkopf The former double world champion trained with the players of his Olympic and perspective squad for most of the year in the German table tennis centre in Düsseldorf. And it was shortly after the cancellation of all competitions in March is clear: “Physically the boys are fit. But always only in Training, is just for the head too hard.”

So Roßkopf Borussia Düsseldorf pulled into the boat, invited to increase the level of foreign professionals in the five-time Champions League winner and the Masters of the local authorities approve. “We are using this tournament series is the pioneer for table tennis in the whole world,” said Borussia-Manager Andreas Preuß. Because that’s the way That this sports can present, while in addition to football, nothing is running. All of the games of the “Düsseldorf Masters” will be broadcast live on the Internet at “”. For at least three months and will take place every week, each with 16 participants.

During the Corona pandemic, the table tennis pros have the same problems as other athletes also: no one knows when it is their Championships and official tournaments, you can go further. Provisionally, the international associations of Championships, the Europe in the period 15. to 20. September and the Team world Cup the same afterwards, in the time of 27. September to 4. October placed. That both can also take place, does not believe Roßkopf personally.

“Such large-scale events, I can imagine in this time very difficult,” said the 51-Year-old the German press Agency. “Very many people would travel from everywhere to one place. The risk is much too great.”

In Düsseldorf, the risk of contagion, however, can be minimized. Spectators are not allowed, no participant has a longer journey. There are no page breaks and no handshake between the players. Regularly, the referee throws a new and sanitized Ball into the game. Jörg Roßkopf was as a player and coach, always there for his meticulousness known. “My new role as tournament Director will hopefully work,” he said.

info on the Düsseldorf Masters