The Drama is a cinematic monument to the rebellious district, to prevent it from in the eighties the construction of a reprocessing plant in the upper Palatinate.

Drama Wackersdorf “( Arte ) describes the fight against a reprocessing plant At the cinema-broadcasting were the visitor numbers are modest TV review : Despite the bulky two hours, is the TV Drama not a Minute too long

Gorleben Wackersdorf , the demonstrations against the Nato double-track decision: in The early Eighties eventful years. It wasn’t long until the movies came out in theaters. It is precisely the resistance to the reprocessing plant in the upper Palatinate, Wacker, the village has often been documented: works such as “WAAhnsinn – Der Wackersdorf-Film” (1986), “gap processes” (1986), as well as “residual risk, or The arrogance of Power” (1988) continued the protests cinematic monuments and had to pay in the cinemas respectable audience.

TV-Drama “Wackersdorf”: a Disappointing response to the movie theater film is typical of a Trend

Well, thirty years later, seems to be the interest is gone. Oliver Haffner’s movie “Wackersdorf” had just over 125,000 visitors, which corresponds approximately to the number of participants at the “Anti-WAAhnsinns-Festival” in 1986, the then largest rock concert in the German history.

The disappointing response is typical of a Trend that continues for some time: The indifference of the cinema audience in relation to relevant historical or socio-political materials is obvious. Such films will still be produced, but the Start in only a few cinemas runs without great Conviction, and with virtually no advertising. The necessarily low visit to the pessimistic expectations confirm then pay.

“Wackersdorf” (Arte): Bulky duration, and yet the Drama is not a Minute too long

it is Fair to say, in the case of the “Wackersdorf”, the Film on the TV is very well cared for, and a slot at 20.15 on Arte is not bad; in the “First” will not be able to see the Film, if at all, in the least because of the bulky duration of two hours, probably not until later in the evening. In this case, the Drama is not a Minute too long: The screenplay by Gernot Krää, himself a multi-award-winning Director, and Oliver Haffner reconstructed the change of mind of the district administrator Hans Schuirer, in the Schwandorf district, a reprocessing plant for spent nuclear fuel rods from German nuclear reactors to be built.

The East Bavarian Region, starving, jobs are missing; the plan of the government of the upper Palatinate local politicians like a miracle. Also Schuirer, one of the few social-democratic district administrators in the deep black of Bavaria, is extremely fond of, especially as the representative of the German society for reprocessing of nuclear fuels, all of the skepticism wipes away and the Region, “prosperity and security” promises. Doubts about the project to the politicians only, as the gentlemen in Munich about applicable law in order to stifle the Protest against the WAA in the Bud.

TV-Drama “Wackersdorf” (Arte): police officers beat to the fence gets in on peaceful protesters

The strong dialect embossed Film alive over long distances by the change of the main character and the relationship between the two of Johannes Zeiler (by the way, Austrians) and Fabian Hinrichs formidable embodied the Central personalities: here, his Conscience obliged gnarled district administrator, a skilled bricklayer, and at the beginning of the euphoria of connecting and, later on, enormous backbone proves that, as him, the party of friends to denounce the followers and death threats landed in his letter box; by Hinrichs as a thoroughly likeable human scavengers-scale technocrat, the fate of the Region is, of course, completely indifferent.

Schuirers clashes with the mayor of Wackersdorf (Johannes domineering man), an old friend and Comrade, the is the anticipated revenue spend, representing a crack that runs across the families and old friendships destroyed; an aspect that gives the Film great relevance.

For other part, small but important roles Haffner also well-known performers, including Sigi room arbitration and August Zirner as a Minister, and Anna Maria Sturm as the face of the resistance. A key figure in Peter Jordan plays as the officer responsible for construction matters, the Schuirer holds first of all for a bunch of spies, until he reveals himself as an opponent of nuclear power. As the district provides to the public against the plans of the state government, he is disempowered short-hand; no wonder that Schuirer compares the conditions in the free state with a military dictatorship. Now Haffner complemented his Film those documentary images that are all unforgettable, which at that time were young: cops a beating on the fence gets in on peaceful protesters.

“Wackersdorf” (Arte): Director Oliver Haffner works excellent with the Ensemble

Haffner has recently “made A gift of the gods”, a tragicomedy to see about an unemployed stage actress (Katharina Marie Schubert), the game today with the long-term unemployed held; the movie has 2015, the SWR series “debut opened in the third”, was Haffner’s second film as a Director and was in addition to the original story, especially due to the excellent work with the Ensemble. This is also true for ” Wackersdorf “.

The image design (Kaspar Kaven), however, the film barely out of the frame of a sophisticated-for-TV movie, in contrast to the unusual and 2019, with the German film award-winning music of a Munich-based Combo called the “wedding chapel” and according to its own estimates, “rumple jazz” plays. In the framework of the Bavarian film award there was in 2018 in addition, a special prize for Haffner. The German Film and media review has awarded the “ Wackersdor f” the FBW-Prädikat “besonders wertvoll”.

shipment information on the Film, “Wackersdorf” on Arte

05.06.2020, Arte, 20.15

Available Online on the broadcast web page of Arte.

By Tillmann P. Gangloff

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