the day of the donation, we will explain what is the meaning of the current statutory arrangements for you and what you should know in General for organ donation.

In January 2020, the Bundestag has voted on different bills to reform the organ donation. With your donation willingness in Germany should be increased. The majority voted for the “Advanced decision-making solution”.

What has changed for you and what you should know generally speaking, organ donation, click here.

new rules for organ donation: This includes the “Advanced decision” solution

While in many countries, the Contradiction applies – people need to talk during the lifetime of an organ donation active resistance in Germany, presumably from the first quarter of 2022, “Advanced decision control”. In the core, not much will change for citizens: to be eligible for organ donation are eligible, must agree to these furthermore, during his lifetime – or a next of kin. With the new rules, however, the personal decision to be registered, and citizens are better informed about organ donation. In particular, it looks like this:

The creation of an Online register at the German Institute for Medical documentation and Information for explanations of Organ and tissue donation. Hospitals should have access to them. The Badge of the Federation and the countries citizens need to submit in the future informational materials and deliver , or in the case of electronic submission of the application electronically. For the collection of identity documents, citizens will be directly pointed out to on the advice or on the registration into the organ donation Register . In-house physicians to advise their patients, at least every two years, organ donation . In addition, the body and donation of Fabric to be more firmly anchored in medical education. In the area of the medical training for example, in the context of First aid courses basic knowledge on organ donation gives.

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How many organ donors are there in Germany?

In Germany more than 9,000 people on a suitable Organ, that saves lives or improves their quality of life. However, there is a lack of donor: 2019 donated according to the German organ transplantation Foundation (DSO), only 932 people their organs after death. Thus, the number is decreased compared to the previous year (955 dispenser) slightly. Came to a significant decline in the number of donors for the first time in 2012, when it became known that Doctors had provided false information about their patients to transplant centers.

Who ever comes for an organ donation question?

An age limit for organ donors, there is not, however, the decision about whether the organs of the children to be donated after your death is up to 14. The age of the parents. After that, young people can self-contradict and 16. Age is also your consent to organ removal , or the decision to a trusted person.

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Who is not allowed to donate organs?

Not everyone is suitable for organ donation are Excluded from the donor suffering from an acute cancer, or HIV-positive were tested. “In all other diseases the Doctors according to the Findings , whether or not organ donation is out of the question,” it says, according to the Federal Ministry of health. Anyone who has suffers from certain diseases such as tuberculosis, or suffered, this should be noted on the organ donation card under “notes/special instructions”.

when it comes to organ donation?

Organ or tissue donation is only possible if the patient’s brain death has occurred , so all brain functions irreversibly failed. The cardiovascular System needs to be> meanwhile, artificially </strong. Whether a donor is eligible, it must then be of the Doctors in the hospital and the next-of-kin clarified. Only if the death is found, it is allowed to ask for the doctor information from the Online Register. However, since in most cases of cardiac arrest before brain death occurs, be eligible to, at least, deceased for organ donation. However, tissue donation is 72 hours after the cardiac arrest is possible.

Where can I get an organ donor card?

organ donor cards can be obtained at various organizations: For example, the Federal centre for health education (BZgA), the German heart Foundation, or the “organ donation” at the toll-free number 0800/9040400. Also the own health insurance or in the doctor’s office and pharmacies you will find organ donation cards.

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These celebrities are organ donors
