25 years Ago, Arabella kiesbauer lost the unshakable Faith in the Good in people. Then, on 9. In June 1995, went up by a letter bomb in your Munich-talk-show-Studio – addressed to the presenter. Her assistant was slightly injured, ProSieben was in shock. “I had to say goodbye to a certain lightness of Being,” says gravel, Bauer, the German press Agency to mark the anniversary of this significant experience ends. “At first, I was like paralyzed.”

For all the channels it had been a great nick: “From this point on, the entire Post was guarded in the house by lights, Security access to the Studio and accompanied me every step of the way. But the worst thing was the “loss of innocence” – if you know what I mean,” says shingle maker. You have to have the “unwavering Faith in the Good”, to say goodbye.

the Sad culmination of a series of Letters

An Austrian law, a terrorist was convicted in 1999 for this fact and more in Graz to life imprisonment. He had not only sent the bomb to the gravel farmer, but was in the opinion of the court responsible for a series of pipe and letter bombs that killed between 1993 and 1996, four people and 15 injured, some of them difficult. The letter bombs were always marked with the note “private”, “personal” or “open by addressee only”. The most prominent victim of the then-Vienna mayor Helmut Zilk, whose left Hand was torn apart by a letter bomb. The convicted bomb-maker died in the year 2000. Germany – Your chances

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The bomb was the sad culmination of a series of threatening Letters and racist hate attacks that accompanied the Start of the gravel-maker cult Talkshow “Arabella”, which ran from 1994 to 2004, ProSieben, and is not torn off until today. “In the past, I got racist letters without a sender, in the meantime, the complete Name and address on it,” says gravel, Bauer, the daughter of a theatre actress from Germany and an engineer from Ghana. “It is appalling that the right-wing scene has the feeling of not having more “to” hide.” Stephan Jansen/dpa The recording shows a room in the TV channel Pro7 according to a letter bomb attack

“I wanted to break out of the victim role”

Four years after the bomb letters with murder threats against gravel, Bauer, and their RTL-colleague Hans Meiser received, with which the extortionist who wanted a private force broadcasters to sell the Shows. Gravel-Builder’s Management confirmed to the dpa at the time that the number of their bodyguards has been increased from one to six. In 2004 she received prior to her appearance in the Swiss show “music star” death threats and was also of Bodyguards guard.

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But: “I wanted to break out of the victim role and go on the Offensive,” she says today. That’s why they’ve started pretty much directly after the letter-bomb assassination, to speak at German schools about racism and against prejudice. Today, it is still voluntary integration, Ambassador to Austria, for her contributions to the Integration, she was honored in 2013 with the Golden order of merit of the Republic of Austria.

she had resigned, to be your life-long racist hostility, says shingle maker. “I’m realistic enough to know that me, racism will accompany the days of my life. The death of the African-American George Floyd once again shows that racism and social injustice continue to be a theme of our time,” says the Vienna-based presenter and adds the Hashtag of the fighting (not only) in the United States against the discrimination of black people: “#blacklivesmatter.”.

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