Polio, typhoid, measles, and current Corona: that’s why it went to the Online donor conference of the GAVI, the vaccine Alliance Gavi. Agreed, the heads of state are heads of government, that vaccines need to be accessible for all people.

London/Berlin (dpa) – In the fight against infectious diseases, translated at an international donors ‘ conference for around Euro 7.8 billion for global vaccination Alliance Gavi promised to been.

The expectations were in order on Thursday to more than a billion exceeded. Using the money is to be vaccinated within the next five years, 300 million children against diseases such as Polio, typhoid and measles.

Germany contributes 600 million Euro, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) announced in a video message. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said alone for the authorities in Brussels are 300 million euros. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron announced that it plans to double the French contribution to 500 million euros. The host of the Online conference in the UK, according to a statement from the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson with a pledge of 1.65 billion pounds (about 1.85 billion euros) the largest Gavi donors. Private Microsoft said founder Bill Gates was the equivalent of about 1.4 billion euros by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Agreed, the participants of the conference were the fact that vaccines must be accessible to all people. “Ready-to-use vaccines to all over the world, affordable, available and freely accessible” demanded the Chancellor. The also reiterated by the Leyen: “It shouldn’t matter where one is born or how wealthy your family is. The right to vaccination is universal,” said EU Commission chief.

By the Coronavirus pandemic, the threat of the spread of other infectious diseases will also be on the increase, warned Merkel. Germany had this to say about the containment of Covid-19 have already made investments of 100 million euros. As soon as a vaccine was available, would have to be created the conditions to start a global vaccination campaign, continued the Chancellor. For this, it is important to strengthen health actors such as Gavi. France also plans to provide 100 million Euro in addition, once a vaccine against Covid-19 is available.

Given the search for a Corona vaccine Johnson, countries, Pharma, said companies and international partners such as the world health organization WHO would need to cooperate in unprecedented dimensions to each other. You should make use of Gavi to make future vaccines for all people in the world affordable and available.

There is an important lesson to learn, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “A vaccine is not enough. We need global solidarity to ensure that every Person everywhere has access to it.” A Corona-Inoculants should be understood, therefore, as a common international Good. “Diseases know no borders.”

In the past, this was not the first time, but always criticized the aid organization Doctors without borders. In a previous Gavi funds for a vaccine against pneumonia have shown that some countries may not refer to would be due to the high price, sufficient vaccines, said Marco Alves of the organization before the Start of the conference. “This must not be repeated in the case of Covid-19.”

The Geneva-based global Alliance for vaccines and immunization (Gavi) was established in the year 2000 and has helped it ever since, to vaccinate more than 760 million children in the poorest countries of the world. The aim of the Alliance is made up of public and private donors, is to vaccinate more children, and to protect against life-threatening diseases.

Gavi website