He has slaughtered pretty much all miss, what is true in times of Corona: A host of Eching has to pay a hefty “mine”.

The disregard of the Corona pad comes a host from Eching to be expensive. As the police reported, was a Patrol in the night to Sunday, a gastro operation shortly after midnight had open. A curfew is currently at 22. The police officers met in the Indoor and outdoor area of about 20 people and found that not only the permitted opening Hours were disregarded, but also against the mask duty and the minimum distance was violated. The men in Uniform stopped the Goings-on, the “mine” will pay to the landlord: It is a fine expected to be in the amount of 5000 Euro. (ft)

No pilgrimage to Freising: youth forum this year in new ways. Girl steals dad’s car keys and under the spray takes a tour with Cousin (7) – it is evil is. Trees at the Mühlbach poisoned intentionally? Police Moosburg looking for witnesses.