We take the same and we start again. As in 2016, the caciques republicans George W. Bush and Mitt Romney have announced that they will not slip not a bulletin Trump in the ballot box in November 2020, reveals the New York Times. But the impact of their insubordination is not the same as four years ago, provides the us daily. Not adouber a candidate freakish with only a small chance of moving to the White House, not indeed has nothing to do with the fact that to snub a president from his own party that aims for a second term.

Other bird of ill-omen for Donald Trump : the revolt that rumbles within the republican Party seems to be more profound in 2016. A growing number of members of the Grand Old Party (GOP) would think about it and to admit publicly that they will not support the billionaire. Worse, they might vote for democrat Joe Biden, the enemy hated of the White House.

this is what has just announced Colin Powell, former secretary of State George W. Bush, in denouncing the “lies” of Donald Trump. “I could not vote for him (in 2016) and I certainly can’t support the president, Trump this year,” said on CNN this one, who had voted for Hillary Clinton in the previous election and who has explicitly said he would vote for Joe Biden.

on his side, Cindy McCain, the widow of republican senator John McCain, is almost certain to support the ex-vice-president of Barack Obama. As to Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and brother of George W. Bush, it is not even certain of going to vote.

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The poor management of the pandemic by the president and his posture secure in the face of the protests of Americans against police brutality after the death of George Floyd seem to be the origin of these pronouncements. The words of the former Defence secretary Jim Mattis, who has accused Donald Trump of ” divide America “, have, it seems, was a trigger. After this speech, the senator republican from Alaska, Lisa Murkowski, was one of the first to express his doubts as to the opportunity to vote for Trump. Many officials then declared aloud that the current president seems incapable of the exercise of its functions.

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“The time has come for new leadership in this country,” said William H. McRaven, the admiral of the navy retired, who led the raid leading to the death of Osama Bin Laden. And to continue, bitterly : “The president, Trump showed that he had not the qualities necessary to be a good commander-in-chief. “

The White House is not on fire so far. Donald Trump has indeed won the elections in 2016, despite a substantial number of republicans officers and retired military who have refused to support it. And the american president has a lot more support within the GOP in 2016. Among his supporters steadfast are republican leaders like Mitch McConnell, majority leader in the Senate, and former enemies such as senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham. And recent polls indicate that the republicans are 100% behind the president. But an opposition co-ordinated some of the caciques republicans could encourage the most skeptical to put aside their loyalty to the party and lead to a slingshot structured and potentially disastrous to Donald Trump.

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