there are now over 400 000 deaths related to the coronavirus in the world. There is still a month and a half, there was half of it. In total, at least 400 052 deaths have been reported worldwide and 6 926 960 have been discovered since the appearance of the virus in China in December, of which almost half are in Europe. The threshold of the 200 000 dead had been taken, there are 43 days, on April 25.

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The United States are the countries which recorded the most deaths (109 802) and case (1 920 061). The epidemic remains very active : on average, more than 900 deaths have been recorded daily over the last seven days. Following the United Kingdom (with a total of 40 542 deaths for 286 194 cases), Brazil, became on Friday the third country in the hardest-hit (35 930 dead for 672 846 cases) and Italy (33 846 deaths, 234 801 cases) and France (29 142 deaths, 190 631 cases).

The number of cases is largely under-estimated

The number of diagnosed cases does not always reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections, with some countries testing the more severe cases, other using the tests as a priority for tracing and number of poor countries, with capabilities of testing limited. According to available data, Brazil is currently the country where the epidemic is progressing more quickly. On average over the last seven days, more than a thousand new deaths and nearly 25 000 new infections were identified each day.

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After China and then Europe starting in march, the WHO said on 22 may that South America was the “new epicenter” of the pandemic. 64 100 deaths and 1 291 471 cases were identified in Latin America and the Caribbean on Sunday at 14: 30 GMT. Between 25 April and 7 June, during which period the number of deaths has doubled in the world, the number of deaths has been multiplied by almost nine.

Europe concentrates 46 % of the 400 000 dead

After having concentrated more than 70 % of the deaths due to the novel coronavirus at the beginning of April, Europe (183 428 deaths, 2 272 365 cases), where the epidemic has slowed down considerably in recent weeks, now concentrates 46 % of the 400 000 dead. The United States and Canada (117 634 death for 2 015 118 cases) account for nearly 30% of deaths worldwide, the Latin America and the Caribbean more than 15 %.

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Asia totalled on Sunday at 14: 30 GMT 19 244 deaths to 679 662 cases, the Middle East 10 458 deaths (475 484 cases), Africa 5 057 death (184 of 220 cases), and Oceania (131 deaths, 8 of 640 cases). This balance sheet was created from data collected by the offices of the Agence France-Presse with the national competent authorities and information from the world health Organization (WHO).