the Same turn of two weather experts warn of severe consequences of the weather, the Germany is imminent in the coming days.

This weekend was nothing to share – too fresh and too wet in the vast country. The weather* will change significantly in the coming days. Two weather experts warn of unpleasant consequences.

Update from the 7. June, 18.40 PM: Well, the weekend we can tick off. In many parts of the country, it was pretty wet and fresh days. We look with meteorologist Paul Heger of in the next week. Because piece for piece, a significant weather-turn on the horizon. It is a “high-pressure bridge” and a high-pressure system over Scandinavia the weather will determine location in Germany. But it will take until next weekend, so after the holiday of corpus Christi, is the change really noticeable. But then there were, at least in East Germany, up to 30 degrees , in the South and West, a few degrees less. The new weather could be “very unpleasant,” says Heger. He speaks of a “oppressive Heat” , possibly the first tropical nights this year, and fierce heat, thunder-storms that are possible.

The expert Dominik Jung of feared. He does not believe that even up to 33 degrees could be possible this coming weekend, but without consequences. The warm and humid air masses could lead to a strong showers with heavy rain and gusts of wind . “It will be exciting!”, so the weather professional. The severe weather potential will certainly rise.

weather: the temperature fall fall-flood-location”

Update from 7 threatens Germany “. June, 6.22 PM: summer? What was there? Today Sunday feels more like autumn. Rain is on the Germany-weather Plan and the from the coast to the Alps. There’s gusty Wind from the southwest on the coast. However, the weather is clearly divided in two.

during the day from Baden-Württemberg to Lusatia and to the Southeast is rainy, in the extreme Southeast of Bavaria Thunderstorms are not ruled out. In the North-West in the course of a day, showers and brief Thunderstorms. Otherwise loosened, especially to the North-East to the small, cloudy and mostly dry. Maximum of 13 degrees in the rain, with sun support to 22 degrees in Brandenburg.

Update from the 6. June, 18.00: “warning prior to striking weather” – this warning is currently in Bavaria, for Munich and the surrounding area. The DWD explains on his Homepage, that to 19 with severe storms and squalls must be expected.

weather: a number of DWD-warnings – in Accordance with the temperature fall, fall flood situation”

Update from the 6. June, 12.07 PM: The alert map of DWD is currently offering a colorful image of what, for many, is anything but pleasing. Estimated to be half of the regions, a warning shall apply. The yellow of the level 1 relates to gusts of wind and, depending on the location of up to 16 or 17 PM.

+ The DWD warning card on Saturday afternoon.

Partially also the level 2, which is indicated by the Orange coloring to apply. Basic high winds or continuous rain, or a combination of both. Also a warning before a strong Thunderstorm was partially proclaimed.

Because the warnings are too varied to list individually, make sure you have the best on the DWD warning card, which is valid for your Region.

weather: in Accordance with the temperature fall of Germany is imminent ” – Multiple DWD-warnings

Our article of 5. June 2020:

Munich – Also, if it does not fit many and you’d rather be outside enjoying the sun, the rainy weather does well in Germany, the drought infested soil in Germany. the weather expert Dominik Jung from the weather service q met stated to the weather portal that the spring brought in only just under 50 per cent of the long-term precipitation totals, and much was to dry .

The associated cooler air would not have to be necessarily. On the first weekend of June, the temperature rare than 20 degrees to climb . “Even nature can replenish a lot of rain. With each fierce rain showers, thunderstorms and rain came to spread some of the sky. It may be something more,“ explains Young of the current situation.

weather in Germany: Extremely Sultry threatens expert warns of thunderstorms and flash floods

Next week, but it remains in Germany is changeable, while in Eastern Europe, summer rules. In Moscow, even 30 degrees will expect. This warm air comes in but in the course of the week after Germany and meets the existing moist air mass. This ensures, according to Jung, for very sultry days , with a high thunderstorm potential : “There is hardly any movement in the air mass, would increase the risk for severe local storms, because the Storms were often very stationary and could be on the spot again and again heavy rain bring. This flash flood-weather location we already know from the past few years.“

weather in Germany: Official storm warning in the state of Baden-Württemberg

But even before the weekend begins, it is uncomfortable in Parts of Germany . The German weather service warns in large Parts of Baden-Württemberg, in front of wind with up to 85 km/h on Friday, may 5. June. In the Rest of the country is warned of the ease of wind gusts with up to 60 km/h. Only East Germany and the East of Bavaria* be spared.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

section list image:©dpa / Barbara Gindl