Anne Want to take prior to your talk show about the protests against US President, Trump the wrong weighting.

topic of the program is the US protests against racism guests at Anne are Norbert Röttgen , Cem Özdemir , Alice Hasters , Christoph von Marschall Want the Samira El Ouassil and Stefan Simons It comes to the USA – a look at Germany and would not have

protests against police violence and racism – how much responsibility President Donald Trump for the escalation?“ is the theme for Anne on Sunday night. Let’s be honest: it interests someone, whether Trump five or fifty grams of? (Kilo?) “Responsibility”? Meanwhile, any halfway enlightened knows here that Donald Trump is a notorious liar, Stalker and a racist. He splits his Land, as to him, his Ex-defence Minister James Mattis recently certificated. That nothing and no one cares except for his Ego, and that he is to go over dead bodies ready.

Anne Wants nothing New to Donald Trump

In the German TV debate on the U.S. President . There were new findings? Hardly. “He proposes to”, said Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag. We have a way of thinking somehow. He “has not, actually, the majority of the voters,” said Christoph von Marschall from Berlin’s “Tagesspiegel”. Is known. He agreed to the “Anti-President of the Non-States,” was, after all, a pretty witticism of a mirror columnist Samira El Ouassil.

you tried to sketch the origin and history of racism in the United States and came closer to the appropriate topic, the author of Alice Hasters (“What do not want to listen to white people about racism — but should know”) then concrete summed up. She was the only representative of the People of colour in this round. She believes that the movement “ Black Lives Matter ” have the makings of real change, because the attention was in the world and much bigger than before.

Anne said with the same error as Sandra maischberger

The movement was 2016 already big, but it has been a “derailment” of the Marshal, and which had, ultimately, been for Trumps victory, an adventurous interpretation – as if there had not been at the time agitation from the extreme right (such as the channel Fox News). And also the one-player is introduced to the beginning of the program, the peaceful protests and some looting in almost the same ratio – a worse faux pas the editors. Similarly, it had also done Sandra maischberger at the time of their unspeakable past Moderation. Serious journalism looks different.

came from Stefan Simons, correspondent of Deutsche Welle, live switched from Washington, D.C. . In his work, even of police officers shot at, he only described the militarisation of the US police, and could now really show Trumps responsibility for the increasing police violence . In one week alone, there have been 279 Raids by the uniform makers to journalists. True, the sentence is, racism will not be worse, he will now be filmed but. The assassination of George Floyd (in front of the cameras) have generated a lot of anger. Alice Hasters reiterated: Would Trump elected in November, are likely to understand many African Americans as a “Signal” that their lives don’t count. A one-player confirmed: It will be more than twice as many Black cops killed White people.

Cem Özdemir item brings the issue to the point

Christoph von Marschall demonstrated the typical ignorant white view angle: There is, however, in the black Milieu is also “much more crime” – had to leave but Alice Hasters teach, that was just a result of racism and the disadvantaged life. Attempts to extricate himself from the situation, would always be destroyed. Green politician, Cem Özdemir brought it to the point: It was not a black Problem but a white: “The White must be dealt with your racism”.

This was), finally, the connection linked to the topic, the German society is more important for the Federal government (and the shipment would have been more likely to negotiate. “To discuss about when it will be over, and not whether the Problem exists at all – that would be a German racism debate. A worthy of the name.” written by the Journalist Christoph Bangel recently in “time online”. And even Chancellor Angela Merkel had said with regard to the rampant racism : “We have to do “hands full”.

Anne Will: The editorial team sets the wrong priorities

it would have to devote the editorial Board of Anne Want to take to heart maybe, instead of the bulk of the shipment to a would-be dictator. For occasions there is more than enough. There is a “white noise” formulated Samira El Ouassil, and recalled the murders of hall and Hanau, Germany, but mentioned also a MDR-Talkshow, with the White it would have discussed whether one should use the “N-word”. This is as bad as when women with the word documents that begins with F, but to “vomit” rhymes with…

Also, the CDU-man Norbert Röttgen confirmed: “We have racism “, and the cases are not individual. But he wanted to see but not necessarily a difference to the USA . Here there is a broad consensus, and “we have the will to progress”: The word for Sunday night. Because Alice Hasters looked very well-an institutional System of racism in the police and referred to the unsatisfactory enlightened cases. Samira El Ouassil recalled the case of Oury Jalloh that is tied up in a cell, without fire, to set fire to stuff and on a fire-safe mattress itself – a police scandal , the screams for years in vain for enlightenment outright.

And for the become known in recent cases of the extreme Right in the police and armed forces offered the journalist the obvious explanation, that certain Milieus would be attracted to authoritarian structures, just. The Röttgen-vaunted consensus, so Özdemir, at that time the arson attacks in 1992 in Rostock, Lichtenhagen, the there only since the murder of Walter Lübcke: “This consensus was written with blood.”

Of Daland Segler

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-editors network

To the show “Anne Will”

Anne , ARD, from Sunday, 7. June, 21.45 PM. To the mission in the library.