the chief of the world’s largest ticket said merchant AER, Rainer Klee, the “Handelsblatt”. No later than seven days after the flight cancellation, the Airline paid must be refunded money back. So it is determined by the Civil code.

in Front of the Corona-crisis is what has happened most of the time. “The funds were transferred to the Corona-crisis in the case of the flight default automatically after one to two weeks, and through Agency-reservation systems such as Sabre or Amadeus,” said tourism consultant Jörg Lesser of the “Handelsblatt”.

at the Time, only a low single-digit percentage of return is refunds been manually checked. Since the beginning of the Corona-crisis, the Airlines would check but, in principle, all the entries of your customers manually. As a result, it comes to massive delays. The Airline has changed their machining process, automatic refunds there are.

Lufthansa-Chef Spohr: “Have increased the resources, even a clearly”

Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr said on Sunday in an Interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”: “ticket refunds are usually individual cases, now there are tens of thousands of the day.” And further: “Each customer will need to call us or refund online the toast, and, of course, takes many hundreds of thousands of customers.” dpa/Arne Dedert/dpa, Carsten Spohr Chairman of the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

That it was delaying the repayment intentionally, in order to secure your own ability to pay, had rejected, Lufthansa Board member Carsten Spohr in an Interview with the “FAS”, however. You have increased, on the contrary, even “the resources clearly so that the processing is accelerated,” it said.

“Exceptionally high volume of inquiries”

A Lufthansa spokesman confirmed to the “Handelsblatt”, however, request that the company used an “automatic repayment mechanism” – and there was a changeover. This is the speaker justified by the “exceptionally high volume of inquiries”. The have made it necessary, “the reimbursement processes”.

Lufthansa alone is not cheating But in the case of the repayments. Although tourism consultant, Lesser told the “Handelsblatt”, it would be the “most intense” trick, but small suppliers such as Turkmenistan Airlines, South African Airways and Air Montenegro is also negative. Why Airlines such as KLM and Air France mittricksen, the reason for the travel and tourism consultant this way: “All eyes are on the leader and gave a bad example.”

1.8 billion euros repayment for the Lufthansa

the mass of The repayment of contributions is now enormous. Amount alone with Lufthansa to 1.8 billion euros. The Airline reported on 5. May on your virtual annual General meeting. According to the “Handelsblatt,” we were in the 100,000 of their customer support requests through the Ticket wholesaler AER. Of which, up to now, 25,000 to 30,000 had been paid. “Since last week, the state aid has been approved, the repayments a little faster,” said AER chief clover. Plasberg is “Tough but fair” up close and reaps harsh criticism, FOCUS Online/Wochit Plasberg’s “Tough but fair” up close and reaps a harsh criticism of the ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what to FOCUS Online governing means for savers: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what the saver is called
