The crooks ring the bell at the front door, surprise on the phone, gamble online: Since then, the Corona-Virus has escaped, goes by not a day more without the blatant fraud attacks on millions of citizens. Unsettled consumers are supposed to buy overpriced masks, value sets, vitamin cures, the Gold that does not exist, or dried yeast, which costs more than silver to Survive.

Naughty call caller money for the Corona-testing, or are suddenly in protective suits at the front door, to the inhabitants intimidated to Rob then. By E-Mail to Unknown threaten to infect the family with the Virus, should not pay thousands of dollars.

the Phishing attacks on the Internet are back with full force, to accounts to spy on and money deduction tyres. “Be careful, in each of the fraud division is now trying shamelessly to put the consumer under pressure and financially exclude,” warns Stefanie Siegert, an expert on Law, the consumer advice centre of Saxony. The Traps are the worst:

Not in the case of a business order

creators Even if now the demand for respirators is strongly increasing: consumer advocates advise via the Internet with overpriced goods in stock. “We observe that many of the new websites, interactive objects, on which dubious providers offer seemingly sold out of Goods at exorbitant prices,” said Siegert. The best lawyers in Germany in 2019

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The power source on before the usury-Offered: One litre of disinfectant is touted for 300 Euro, a simple protection mask for about 40 Euro. For “survival kits” from simple tea lights and a sewing kit 30 be required of 40 euros.

dry yeast is more expensive than silver

dry yeast is more expensive than silver, reports Silke Vollbrecht, food expert at the Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg. One gram of yeast costs proud to 1.43 euros, one gram of precious metal is only 43 cents.

are Also marketed to small bars of fraudsters online as a safe haven. Who ordered, but never sends anything. Attention: anyone Who pays with cash in advance, runs the risk of getting no or substandard goods. The money is transferred once, it is lost.

No Health remedies intrude

the medication or vaccinations against the Corona can Virus there is not currently. Nevertheless, providers advertise intensively with food supplements, such as vitamin cures or plant preparations, which can supposedly prevent infection. So, for example, taking help of homeopathic Globules from lower Saxony to develop antibodies against the disease.

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“We condemn companies that take advantage of the current situation, to pull with non-verifiable statements unsettled consumers the money out of your pocket,” warns Annett Reinke of the consumer Association of Brandenburg, of caution. The same is true for the supposedly protective of water filter which could filter the Virus allegedly from the drinking water. “Filtered water to protect against infection,” warns Birgit Brendel, nutrition expert of the consumer advice centre of Saxony. “This is not the case, however, clearly.” The infection is not transmitted through drinking water.

Not frighten

Who gets from the sender an E-Mail in the English language, which calls for the payment of a few Thousand Dollars, should not be held to ransom, warns the Munich police. At the threat, the entire family infection with the Corona Virus, if no money flows, was nothing to it. The police already determined for attempted extortion. Other scammers are suddenly in a space suit in front of the door. Those who focus on the alleged Corona-Test at home or in the disinfection of the apartment, is brazenly stolen from. The LKA Bayern also warns against a Corona variant, the grandson of tricks: A caller impersonates a Relative and asks for money for an expensive Anti-Corona medicine. “Sometimes it also means: We are from the health Department and need from you 200 euros for the Test of a relative. Please remit immediately,“ says Siegert. Your tip: it’s Not a shock to leave, suspicious stay and just not pay.

Online-scout ignore rose

Also, the number of Phishing Attempts on the computers and accounts of citizens is rapidly increasing, as experts from the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia warn. So crooks floods at the moment, the E-Mail mailboxes with alleged health tips, shopping coupons, enticements such as “Lars Meyer sends you to 452 Euro” or “New from the health Department”. Anyone who clicks on the Link sent with, account, typing in numbers, data, passwords, or secret, opens Criminal floodgates. Such Spying-Mails are immediately deleted. REWE – Your market (indicator) is Now food in the comfort of home to order

This also applies to messages that banks and savings banks are supposedly closed at the moment. Customers get a Link to the putative data adjustment sent to the server should ignore the prompt simply. Caution: The current Phishing emails are deceptively real, according to the Federal office for information security (BSI): Under the VZ collects North Rhine-Westphalia, all of the Spying Tricks.

callers pushing away

Who is calling from Unknown, should be particularly suspicious, advises Siegert. Handle columns try by phone, to bring Savings or credit cards to the man. Common reasons for the unsolicited calls: Allegedly, the Corona-crisis leads to a rapid devaluation of cash. This is pure nonsense, stresses Siegert. Especially seniors are caught off guard on the phone in a targeted manner. “You want to save? Or to win?“ are the most used spells. Clearly, many say innocently and stuck at the end in subscriptions, have bought lottery tickets, information, supplements ordered, financial products and withdrawals at the neck. Here, uninvited marketing calls are prohibited, so-called cold calls,. Nevertheless, Even verbal agreements are contracts. Even though they came into being at the unfair way, you will be legally effective. This paradoxical situation, take advantage of the scammers. Customers who do not cancel within 14 days, sit in it.

see also: book excerpt – stock-market legend, Heller explains how to minimise your risks when buying stock real-time map shows new Corona-epicenter – worldwide more than 5.5 million Infected FOCUS Online/Wochit Where is the Coronavirus?: Real-time map shows new Corona-epicenter – worldwide more than 5.5 million Infected