nen alleged sex offender could be in focus on Tuesday morning in Erding. The 22-year-old suspect is part of a confession. The three victims was able to identify the police, but is looking for other women that the young man was sexually molested

Erding – The arrest was able investigators of criminal investigation Department of Erding, with the support of civilian police forces, inspection of the Erding city. The 22-Year-old is accused of between 22. May and 8. To have June, at least three times in Erding women naked, according to the police headquarters upper Bavaria North. In one case, the offender had masturbated in front of a 23-Year-old. In two other cases, he touched a 19 and a 25-Year-olds against their will in the genital area.

The victims were able to describe the man so well, that now the access is managed. Previously was intense after the man wanted by the police. According to the Bureau of the offenders admitted the acts. At his own request, the Accused left after the interrogation in a psychiatric hospital. The investigation of exhibitionist acts and sexual harassment continue to run. Because the number of victims could still rise. That’s why the police Erding invites women who have been recently sexually harassed, but no criminal charges have refunded, under Tel. To report (0 81 22) 96 80. ham