The district of Dachau according to the Jobcenter-in-chief Peter Schadl with a blue eye from the Corona-crisis. With an unemployment rate of 2.9 percent in employment still prevails, statistically, still full.

Dachau – Sometimes a look back helps to be able to current Events better assessment. For this reason, Peter Schadl, Director of the Dachau jobcenter refers to the summer of 2006. At that time, there had been in the district much less commercial areas than is the case today, the Hartz reforms had not yet unfolded their full effect. In any case, the unemployment rate in that summer stable at 4.5 percent. The following Winter, the rate climbed even to 4.8 per cent.

now, in may 2020, the number of unemployed in the district on 2688 persons, or a rate of 2.9 percent in may 2019, it was still at 1.7 per cent – has risen, don’t like trouble with the Jobcenter-in-chief, therefore, really. “The 1.7 per cent a year ago were insane,” he says. “All of us at that time was already clear that it can’t be better.”

Schadl is that the Corona Fears that, the citizens “are not dismissed out of Hand”. But the state had done “everything possible to let the population not to stand in the rain”. Statistically rule seen in the County still have an unemployment rate of 3.0 percent – and thus full employment. Schadl is therefore: “We complain on a very high level.”

Nevertheless, a closer look at the Numbers is worthwhile. And since shows that despite the generally still good Job-the situation in the Region, losers of the crisis: namely, the recipients of the so-called unemployment benefit II (ALG II), colloquially known as Hartz IV. This performance there are, in principle, also for the unemployed under the unemployment benefit I, as well as stacking at the end of the performance. The number of people that had requested this service in the past few months, was tremendous.

ever Since this performance, so Schadl, he had such a flood of requests “definitely never had”. In March, 179 people came, therefore, into the Dachauer job centre with your application for ALG II, in April, there were 322, in may 140. Although the colleagues of the jobcenter believe that the Numbers would slowly decrease again, but speak still of a “high level”. No wonder, a year ago, in April of 2019, there were only 84 people applied for the job centre ALG II.

A majority of the applicants so-called Solo self-employed – such as taxi driver, the piano teacher, or fish grilled on a stick seller be. The have never paid into the unemployment insurance system and would, therefore, no unemployment benefits I. In addition, many employees would come to the job centre, to increase short-time working money: “A man who couldn’t eat his salary just so his family, the 67 percent of his salary enough,” says Schadl.

that the placement of the unemployed since the beginning of the corona increases its crisis. Earlier, the Jobcenter Dachau had been “incredibly strong” with regard to the Integration of unemployed into the job market, emphasized Schadl. Dachau, Germany, was “always among the Top Ten located”. A bit of what would go still, especially in the elderly and in the shipment would be set. But otherwise, says the job centre-Director, “back to the employer. This is our biggest Problem“. In Figures: In may 2019, the Jobcenter Dachau was able to bring 60 ALGII receiver in wage and bread, a year later, there were only ten.

in the long term, believes Schadl, however, will recover the economy. Most of the Solo self-employed and the short-term allowance recipients would return fully to the labour market – even if the cells could persist the attitude of employers, investments, and settings, in his opinion, a because.

the County with a “blue eye out of the crisis”, as Schadl stresses is mainly due to the state aid, as well as the short-time working money. According to the trade Union nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) had requested until the end of April, 1268 out of the total of 4103 operations in the district of short-time working money. The show, so Jobcenter-chief Schadl, that the companies want to keep their people.

, And also when the corona crisis, “all sectors intensively” affected, have the district of Dachau has an unbeatable advantage: “The economy here is diversified. We are not a Large dependent. Drum we come back sometime to our old level, even if it should take longer.“