Düsseldorf (dpa) – the Minister of health, Jens Spahn proposes a European Alliance for mutual support in the event of a Pandemic and other health crises.

The new Alliance could be a kind of “health-Nato”, said the CDU politician of the “Rheinische Post”. In order to be quickly able to act, if in a member state of the outbreak is a Virus, it need common structures that might have access to experts, Doctors, and resources. Then you have to create not 27 Times the national reserves with protective masks, but could build up a European Reserve.

Due to the scarcity and the rising cost of protective clothing and masks in the Corona-crisis announced by the EU Commission in March the establishment of such a strategic Reserve for all of the EU countries. Specifically, this works in the way that the EU finances the acquisition of individual EU countries but buying and storage take. The European civil protection will be expanded dramatically, and in the future on their own planes, helicopters and field hospitals have. The Budget for the program RescEU should be increased to two billion euros, as the competent EU Commissioner Janez Lenarcic said at the beginning of June.

in Addition, would expand Spahn, in his own words the European health authorities ECDC, a kind of European Robert Koch-Institute. “All of this” will you also discuss in the course of the German EU presidency, which begins in July.

Basically, Spahn, urged: “We must dare to do as a Europe more and more trust. Especially in an increasingly bipolar world situation, which is determined by China and the United States.” Europe as a protective – and innovation community for the 20 years to define, and therefore it go. Also important is the right level of globalization. “In the case of protective masks and medicines, we should not be so dependent on the world market.”

Spahn again expressed concern about images of crowded masses of people in the Park or on demonstrations. “We have achieved a lot together. Now we have it by our behavior even if we Germans have the most difficult part of the pandemic is behind us.” The Coronavirus was still there, he warned. “We see it everywhere where it makes the Virus easily, for example in the party like in Göttingen or Empty. Then it quickly comes to large and hazardous eruptions.”

information on the Expansion of RescEU from 2.6.2020