The election of a new mayor in Hamburg has been delayed. After the welcome by the citizenship of the President, Carola Veit (SPD) called on the AfD for the immediate convocation of the Council of Elders and a concomitant interruption of the session.

the reason for this bill is that the group only learned two hours prior to the meeting. This draft includes a proposed amendment to the Constitution, with the fractions of the SPD, Greens, CDU and the Left is a strengthening of the rights of minorities wanted to achieve. It is, among other things, the lowering of the quorum for the submission of the committees and better funding for the Opposition.

Hamburg: AfD prevented for the time being, the election of the mayor

The AfD criticised to be not in the deliberations of the other groups involved have been. Also, you will feel as an opposition party not taken into account by the proposed regulations is sufficient.

The suggestion of Voit, that the Elders were to bring back, ignoring the AfD group. Supposed to be elected at the meeting of the First mayor of Hamburg. Incumbent Peter Tschentscher will probably go in a new term of office, and of the Red-Green coalition, which has held in Hamburg 87 of 123 citizenship to sit, be re-elected.

To 14.04 at the meeting was continued in spite of the AfD application, however, such as the “evening Gazette” reported. The request of the group, the meeting after the mayoral election again to interrupt, was rejected by a large majority. After the unsuccessful meeting of the Council of Elders, the election could begin. To 14.21, the members began to cast their votes in the mayor election.

Peter Tschentscher is again the first mayor of Hamburg

The result: Peter Tschentscher was re-elected to Hamburg’s First mayor. 87 citizenship, the deputies voted on Wednesday for the 54-year-old social-Democrats, 34 against it, 2 abstained. So Tschentscher received all the votes of his red-green coalition. Both parties have the citizenship of more than 87 of the 123 seats. dpa/Christian Charisius/dpa-Pool/dpabild Peter Tschentscher (SPD) in the case of a meeting.

you rule the city-state since 2015 in the red-green coalition – now the last nationwide. Already in the morning, the tips of the SPD and the Greens had signed in the city hall’s coalition agreement, the party days had agreed to last weekend.

New Senate to be be confirmed confirmed in the citizenship

In the further course of the session, when for the first time all the deputies to the town hall were invited to the new Senate. Because of the Corona pandemic, the citizenship had met so far, only a reduced number of deputies.

see also: incident in Hamburg: Video of brutal police action against the Black showed up

The new government team to eleven senators belonging to four women and eight men. In seven authorities of the Executive chair of the SPD, will be occupied in four of the Green. Second mayor and Senator for Science to remain Katharina Fegebank (Green).

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