The virologist Oliver Keppler dampens the expectations for a “Super-Vaccine”. There are going to be “maybe never”. What he uses instead.

In the fight against the Coronavirus * draw labs in the world on a string. In more than 100 research projects * the development of a vaccine* will be advanced. A virologist is dampening expectations in an Interview with the daily show . Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the current case numbers in Germany as a card.

Berlin/Munich – “worldwide There are more than one hundred projects for vaccine development , which are on the way and a lot of brilliant researchers, consortia and vaccine companies work with, it’s about billions,” says the virologist* Oliver Keppler . He is a Board member of the Max von Pettenkofer-Institute at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München , where he has held the chair of Virology.

However, all the efforts must not mean that it is actually a effective vaccine against the Coronavirus , says Keppler in an Interview with the Tagesschau (ARD) .

Coronavirus vaccine: virologist speaks of the “Hype studies”

Highly critical Keppler looks at headlines and all the hype around scientific studies , behind them economic interest is. Scared I have had him in this connection, a report from the United States, according to a study 8 of 34 Vaccinated a immune response shown. “That would be the time to cancel the research to vaccine or ‘back to Start’ would have to go, because this result is actually a disaster,” he says.

A Super-vaccine “we hope of course all the”, you would not only protect all age groups, effective and free from severe side effects, but also to produce within the shortest period of time quickly. The feel Keppler is at least as unrealistic, if you’ll only Be measure (such as Polio or measles), but also of failures: “ HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever, tuberculosis, or Malaria are the Scourges of humanity, which have for decades for suffering and death” – without that, so far, an effective vaccine could be found. Also, the flu vaccination should be renewed every year and seem to only 30 to 70 percent.

Coronavirus vaccine: the Current debate completely fails

guided All discussions that deal with the equitable distribution of a possible vaccine, he’s as completely out of feels at the current time. Instead, he assumes that – faster than a vaccine effective medicines will be able to mitigate developed, the severity of the gradients.

for him This means primarily that we need to conduct longer, in a different way: “I think it’s include in the foreseeable future, our daily life is to keep a distance, to wear mouth-nose cover and sanitary measures* to comply with – depending on the seasonality and the pandemic Situation of the Virus in the respective regions.” He adds, however: “but I am confident that we will find medical remedies that can help, even if it is not clear what time is.”

more and more hopes scientists spreader set on the theory of Super, to get the epidemic under control, or the use of a Corona App, the virologist Christian Drosten. Besides, some other hope – and, of all things, a Virus Mutation that makes him.

* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.