To the tasks of the EU-Commissioner to protect the “European way of life”. Thus, the Greek politicians see the issue of racism is responsible. “We have less problems than the United States, our social systems are better,” said Schinas at a meeting of the Organisation “Delphi Economic Forum”. But he admits that even in Europe in terms of equal life chances is still some work to do, “a lot of issues, which we still have to deal with”.

The French Illusion

“the issues with which we have to deal with yet”, is also part of the discrimination in the job search. For the Paris law student Kesiah Etame Yescot this is more bitter everyday. In a row she was turned away in search of an internship in a law firm. The place was already occupied, it was mostly.

“you want to make us believe that they accept us. But I find that there is a lot of hypocrisy. It’s not like George Floyd in the United States, where you is the racism of 1000 kilometers can see, it is hidden. In France, you realize it is based on many small things, when looking for a job, or that you will be stopped on the street for no reason.”.

Kesiah went last weekend with Thousands of French people to the streets to protest against racism and discrimination. The reason for the cases of police violence in France, most recently the death of Adama Traoré 2016 were.

It is not only the brutal treatment in the French suburbs, Racial Profiling is part “” of everyday life. According to a survey by the Council of Europe under 5000 young men of African or Arab origin showed that they had been stopped twenty Times as often by the police, like other inhabitants of France.

The mass protests in France have brought a first result: the interior Minister Christophe Castaner, has forbidden the police handle around the neck in case of arrests. He denies that his police in General, “racist”, but admits “that some police officers are racists”.

colonial rule and genocide

Not only in Paris, in Brussels, there were demonstrations. “We came because this is the capital of Europe,” says one of the organisers. Brända Auchimba annoyed by the “everyday discrimination and police violence, the stopping of African and Arab boys on every corner”.

In addition, but you want the stand to be taken pictures of the Belgian king Leopold II (1835 – 1909) of the sockets. The Belgian colonial rule in Congo, belongs to the repressed past of the country. In 1998, the historian Adam Hochschild took the genocide and the exploitation of the country back in the national memory.

Around ten million people died under the colonial regime of Leopold II in the Congo. Until today, the Belgian school mention books on this part of the story. “I hope people understand how we feel when we see these statues,” says Brända. In Antwerp the mayor has moved the Leopold-Statue now in the Museum.