The “Krone Zeitung” will be available in the documents that show that Heinz-Christian Strache between 2015 and 2018, a total of almost 8000 Euro in pharmacies and has issued. Almost two-thirds of them are said to have pills for potency-enhancing pills and diet. Also, if his lawyer Johann Pauer emphasized that the private disorders of his clients would be no-one to address something, is the Problem of the matter is that Strache has paid the money, as usual, also private.

“Strache has nothing wrong”

Instead, the bills to the Parliament or his party have been paid, the FPÖ, sent this. Lawyer Pauer does not deny this, but adds: “However, all of the invoices that were classified by the tax adviser of the party as a private was paid by my clients on a regular basis.” Strache was nothing wrong.

If the former FPÖ leader can actually no fault of their own, will show. Because the Vienna public Prosecutor’s office determined now because of charges of fraud and breach of trust.

Numerous scandals Strache

The scandal of the Person Heinz-Christian Strache achieved with the “Ibiza-affair” in may of 2019 its peak. A secretly-made Video shows the then Vice-Chancellor, and the national Council, deputies and FPÖ politician Johann Gudenus. In an interview with the alleged daughter of a Russian oligarch, they showed their willingness to corruption, circumvention of laws on political party financing, and the covert Acquisition of control of a party independent of the media.

As a consequence of the affair Strache and Gudenus announced kicks your back from all political Offices and party functions. In addition, the German Chancellor, Sebastian said Shortly, officially, the end of the coalition between FPÖ and ÖVP. Since Strache middle of last year made a renewed negative headlines, as it turns out, because of infidelity against him is determined.

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