pandemonium, Thursday, to the editor of the newspaper Libération, founded in 1973 by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July. The media director of Altice, Arthur Dreyfuss, announced to the representatives of employees as Denis Olivennes will take the reins of the journal. It is a branch version XXL inherits from this mandarin-to 59-year-old. Patrick Drahi has proposed to the former leader of IJC France – the media group of billionaire Czech Daniel Kretinsky, who holds It and Tele 7 Days, the Lagard * re Active (Paris Match, The Sunday Newspaper and Europe 1), Canal+, Obs or even the Fnac take both general management and the joint management arrangement of daily life. “I love the press and I grew up with the newspaper Libération, I couldn’t refuse the proposal to develop this great newspaper,” says Denis Olivennes at the Point.

His appointment comes at a time when the daily comes out of the bosom of the group Altice, Patrick Drahi to be transferred to an endowment fund non-profit. Based on the model of the british daily The Guardian, this fund needs to ensure the future stability and independence shareholder. Drahi is committed to pay debts of the newspaper, approximately $ 50 million, and then give him the means to ” ensure its long-term independence “.

Laurent Joffrin, who knows Denis Olivennes from the benches of the university, in the 1970s, and the creation of the club “Socialism and the” University will remain editorial director. Libe will leave in the next few months the building Quadrans group Altice, in the 15th arrondissement, for a new seat still undetermined. This will allow him in particular to save the rents, and “management fees” paid to the holding company Altice.

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The goal is that the Offender has the hearing of its reputation.

The newspaper, which employs 195 employees, of which more than 170 have the press card, is in the red for several years. Its loss would have amounted to approximately € 6 million in 2019 and € 9 million in 2018, for a turnover of around thirty million euros. Affected during the containment by closing a part of the kiosk, the paid circulation in France of the journal has fallen to approximately 72 000 copies in April (- 6 % year on year in the face of 76 000 copies of April 2019), according to figures from the CMPA. The issue sales and subscriptions paper, which provide cash to a newspaper, declined regularly.

The main objective of Denis Olivennes is to boost digital subscriptions of the journal to deal with the erosion of the diffusion paper. “The only key to straighten Liberation, it is the digital subscribers, not the payroll, because to make a good log, it should be a writing “, he explains. Before the journalists of the newspaper Libération, Thursday afternoon, the new “boss” a summary of his plan to drive by this formula : “The goal is that the Offender has the hearing of its reputation. “

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An essay “standing up”

Denis Olivennes. © LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

” there’s one thing that I love in Libe, this is the franchise, and the direct nature of the writing. I have not been disappointed from this point of view. It is a writing standing. However, I think it is with the editorial stand that is made of good logs, ” smiles the new boss of the daily. If Denis Olivennes said to leave the chairmanship of the supervisory board of IJC France, the Society of journalists and staff of newspaper Libération asked him not to continue to be a member. “I do immiscerai in any manner, in the contents of the log. There is a Chinese wall between the management and the editorial that I will respect “, has also promised the officer.

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According to our information, the new director-general has also made it clear to the editor that, to compensate for the declines of 7-8 % of the sale to number and 2-3 % of the subscriptions of the newspaper, the newspaper could achieve balance with 150,000 digital subscribers. A challenge. Today, Discharge is not conquered than 26 000 digital subscribers, approximately, compared with 175 000 for Le Figaro and more than 225,000 for The World.

writing will advise you

EXCLUSIVE. Cultural sovereignty, aid to the film, Netflix : what simmers Canal+ Denis Olivennes takes the head of the newspaper ” Liberation “