piece for piece of want to include the community colleges in the district of Munich your program again. However, in some seminars, the work is easier than others.

County– improve English skills, gold rings, forging or Indian-learn to cook – the whole range of the community colleges in the district of Munich in the past few months. Only Online courses were possible. Now you are likely to re-open, but most of the courses start until after the Whitsun holidays.

“It’s great that it’s back,” says Silvia Engelhardt, head of the VHS in Taufkirchen. “I’m very happy.” But as usual, the courses can’t take place. The distance of one and a half metres must be maintained in the entrance area and the toilets mask are compulsory, and the size of the group in each of the seminars is greatly reduced. “The number of participants is calculated per square metre,” says Elizabeth stone of the community College Southeast. “There are rooms, in which 22 people have passed, now there are only eleven,” she says. In addition, each hour must be aired regularly. “This is due to the aerosols in the air is very important,” explains Katrin-Jasmin Becker, Marketing Director at the VHS in the North of the district of Munich. Also the group formation before and during the course is not currently allowed.

sports and cooking classes are difficult to implement

After the Whitsun holidays in the Wolf-Ferrari-house courses in the professional field. At the Taufkirchner VHS will be held until further notice, no cooking classes. Firstly, because the participants would cook in the school kitchen, and on the other, “I find it hard to the hygiene rules on the subject of cooking together,” explains Engelhardt. Also in the Sport and exercise area, it would be difficult for the templates. “In a course in which you sweat a lot, may participate less than, for example, in the case of a yoga class,” says stone. “This is financially a huge challenge.”

a Lot of people are still very careful

Currently, the employees of the administration are working on plans to minimize the money loss. And also on the question of who is allowed to come to the participants at reduced rates, locate the community colleges for answers. “We are just going to find solutions,” says Engelhardt. The VHS Taufkirchen considered to shorten the seminars, so that there are always two classes in a row to take place. In addition, the employees play split with the idea of the seminars in the two groups and to organize the course every 14 days. But perhaps the newly calculated size of the course also results from alone, because “some people are still very cautious,” explains Engelhardt.

courses online

this is Exactly why the Online-courses remain in the programme of the three community colleges. “Participants can watch the screen online,” says Becker. As detailed further planning of the people’s University in the North of the County looks like, decides each Department for themselves. One thing is clear – all of the courses can not be made up. “We are trying, however, as many of the fancy appointments of catching up to do, so the Semester will be extended until the middle of August,” says Becker. Also, the VHS Taufkirchen can’t drive the prices as high as before. “There will certainly be disappointments,” says Engelhardt. The community colleges keep their participants via the Newsletter. Lots of waiting, as well as the course supervisor, forward to the reopening.

According to Stein, the Hygiene rules, but a good thing. Thanks to the “rate Deluxe rooms”, as she says, the participants have now more space and the teacher can deal more intensively with each Individual.