“We started very classically and have talked with many professionals about their careers, and injury. We have noticed that we come to painkillers around,” says Arne Steinberg in conversation with
about the beginning of the Research. So, the Research Team of Correctiv established in October 2019, the focus will be on the topic of painkillers.
do not want to restrict the research centre on professional football, but also the Amateur football to consider. “We were not surprised that the reasons are to relieve the pain. The biggest finding was that pain medication be taken to a greater degree as a preventive measure,” says Steinberg, from his own active career as a player of low-Aula, Bad Hersfeld and the SG of the Baroque city known is that the pain in Amateur sports are an issue.
“painkillers in professional sports, a “non-critical issue”
What the Team of Steinberg, however, in the professional area, was surprised that the use of painkillers is uncritically viewed, of the bag is stopped in the team bus only and the players can operate freely. Little to be a want to talk about it, however: “We have sent all the Bundesliga questions, but no Association is received it,” reported Steinberg, who comes from Niederjossa (niederaula, Hersfeld-Rotenburg County).
the team of doctors such as Thomas Frölich of the TSG Hoffenheim Correctiv came via other routes, the players in front of the camera have been completed, with one exception, Neven Subotic, your career already. “The talking about it that way, that is also logical. Active players would damage themselves when they talk so openly about it”, credited Steinberg with the fact that you would get no current professionals in front of the camera. The information you got from this anyway.
intense resonance to the documentation
the 44-minute documentary #pill kick, which was broadcast on Tuesday night in the ARD, has Correctiv triggered a nationwide debate: “We have noticed on corners that the issue will be discussed at the DFB and the positive effect was seen. Beyond the League the response was very intense, we have received many Mails, messages, and letters. Many point to the fact that it looks like in other sports, similar to,” says Steinberg.
What Correctiv the next Research in front of you. “The question is how to implement it. It is at least as relevant,” says Steinberg. He and his Team hope that the expressed debate, also made an impact: “We hope that the DFB has to make its announcement a result. It is important that from the top is specified as below, it will be dealt with.”
if you want to know about Correctiv, the research and the current documentation #pill kick, you can do that under https://correctiv.org/. (Tino vineyard)
*The contribution of “Arne Steinberg on the pill kick-Recherche” is published by Osthessen News. Contact with the executives here.
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