The Federal government has lifted the travel warnings, but probably all of the mini does not seem to be a star in the decision. The concession was to the trip-Lobby too big?

15. In June, the Corona travel warning for large parts of Europe is now passé. Also, the German border controls are lifted. The Federal government seems to be, however, their decision is not entirely comfortable. Several Ministers warn. Nevertheless, report some tour operators already in “catch-up effects”.

Berlin/München – as of Monday (15. – June) may officially be re-travelled: the travel warnings for Europe has abolished the Federal government and the German borders can be, without the controls happens.

a piece of the long lost “normality” back again. Also many tour operators are likely to breathe a sigh of relief. However, ironically, seems to be Germany’s top politicians to be in this far-reaching decision is not entirely comfortable. Not least in the government there is obviously great concern – several Ministers urge now to self-responsibility. First votes Dunning, the decision to travel might have been strongly driven by the journey-Lobby .

Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) warned about at the weekend in front of the risk of Infection with the upcoming travel season. “If holiday returnees would not could detect spread from a Hotspot in the whole of Germany, and we chain of Infection: Then we come very quickly in a Situation in which we would have to nationwide take action,” said the CDU politician of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper. However, it was not the “Top priority” of the government, that something like this happens again. He hopes now on the new Corona App.

travel in the Corona-crisis: Spahn warns – “Party is less popular”

the Minister of health, Jens Spahn asked the German, despite the lifting of the travel warning for 27 European countries while traveling with caution. Each had to consider whether there should now be a long trip, said the CDU politician on Sunday evening in the “report from Berlin” of the ARD.

“Must I now, to Lisbon, or it can wait and perhaps a little?”, Spahn asked. He pointed to Ischgl in Austria, from where the Virus was in the Winter of Europe-wide distribution. “Now is not the firearm may be, so to speak, the next Ischgl.” Spahn added: “Party – I would say – is announced this year.”

borders open: travel possible again – Lauterbach warns of “super-spreaders” in the Bus

And also the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach signed up once more with a reminder of the word. He would not “put for many hours in a Bus is fully occupied,” tweeted Lauterbach on Sunday. “There are no studies that show what would cause a super-spreader there.” In any case, masks should be worn.

The combination leads to a certain suspicion in some observers. The Austrian Journalist Thomas Mayer about tweeted, referring to Braun’s warning : “governments need to say citizens probably: ‘not Dispensed heuer on too extended holiday trips, Corona is over, fits, stays in the manageable range.'” The trust, however, due to the pressure on the economy no one.

Mayer admitted under his Posting, however, that it was a “Dilemma”. It was clear, however, that the mass tourism favoring a second wave tends to be.

travel in Corona times: exercise caution? Tour operator sees the “catch-up effect”

Whether the Germans will actually proceed with great caution, it remains to be seen. The tour operator Tui is currently a catch-up effect . “The first were flat sold out of traveling from Monday to Mallorca within 36 hours. In addition to the Spanish Islands in Greece, Croatia and Portugal are required. Cyprus is for the first time, also on the front“, it was said on Sunday by the travel group.

THE tourist reported significant increases in bookings for the summer abroad. Higher demand there is for Greece , Turkey, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands and Tunisia and the Indian ocean .

After the opening of the border want to the Deutsche Bahn your offer of Connections to the foreign step way back up. By the end of June, the international inclusion of long-distance transport in all accessible countries, announced that DB long-distance transport chief Michael Peterson on Sunday. Some of the courses abroad had been operated in the past weeks already.

holidays in spite of Corona: borders open again, the last almost 200,000 rejections, according to Seehofer

After three months, the global travel warning for tourists on Monday is cancelled for the biggest part of Europe. From midnight onwards, the Federal Foreign office wants to warn on its website before traveling in probably 27 countries. To main vacation countries of the Germans like Italy, Austria, Greece, France and Croatia, include . At the same time the last remaining checks due to the Corona pandemic drop off on Monday at the German borders.

the corona-related controls at the borders* has the Federal police to the 11. June approximately 196,000, back to spoken instructions. This number interior Minister Horst Seehofer the image on Sunday.

May also be a clarification that will prevent some of the too-wide long-distance travel: A return action for 240.000 tourists , how to the outbreak of the Corona-pandemic , there will be, according to the Federal foreign office once again. The travellers concerned are soon to receive their invoices. “Participants will be individually informed about the costs to be borne share in the next days and weeks,” it said on Saturday from the foreign office in Berlin. Previously, the ARD-capital Studio had reported on the subject.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to travel in the summer – however, within Germany. Relieved about the new “freedom to travel” could areas be some recovery in Germany. For example in upper Bavaria, some areas had been overrun the last hopeless as* reported.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.