cost of Millions of the flood protection project that the small community wants to realize Habach for the protection of the existing buildings in the village and its hamlets.

Habach – simply put, you can divide the project, with the Habach its high-water protection is to improve, in two parts: The first includes the increase of the dam on the existing high-water-pond as well as the construction of a 30-Meter-long protective wall along the Habach-flowing Heubachs in the area of the former Raiffeisen-building. “The plans are actually since November of last year,” said mayor Michael Strobl, on the sidelines of the recent Council meeting.

Due to the Corona pandemic and the associated limitations of the public life did not take place, the first public design with the participation of the authorities, however, still can. All the documents were still in the district office. “Now it’s running again.” Strobl is estimated that the authorities will take the participation of three to four months. There with you “all prepared” he hopes that no major objections to the planned high-water protection put forward measures and for a second interpretation of the plans will not be necessary. Then the construction work could be put out to tender later this year and, potentially, in 2021 to be made.

high-water protection is divided into two phases of construction

However, unlike the first part of the project, the second part is still in its infancy. The Heubach is to be expanded in the hamlet gratzl mill. In addition, the construction of a new bridge in the District of Dürnhausen is planned. Another important step in this phase 2 is to make the two large inlets in the Heubach – from the direction of the Höhlmühle, as well as of the Deutsche Bank coming high water. Should be done according to Strobl by the construction of a partly open, partly closed flood ditch, to run from the Höhlmühle down. From the direction of the Deutsche Bank, the water to be subdued masses through a sediment barrier, and a flood ditch.

As explained Strobl, here it is the ring road, which exacerbates the problem of high water for Habach. Because of the road the Slopes down flowing water could only in two Places under the road. As a result, the mass of water would be channeled in the event of a flood and were Habach with full force. His Church, therefore, is that of the state as the owner of the road contributes to the costs for the protection measures. Talks has led the municipality of, among other things, the members of Parliament Harald Kühn, as well as representatives of the state Department. Here you wanted to see further negotiations, but concrete plans, summarizes Strobl talks. Until the end of the year, the plans might be for part 2, hope Strobl.

high-water protection in Habach: the financing is still unclear

What is it in this context is the fact that it is in the Heubach to a “waters of the third order”, for whose maintenance the municipality is in charge is angry. Unfair the mayor finds that, since the water of the surrounding municipalities Hofheim and Söchering flow in the Heubach and so the problem of flooding for Habach increasing. “But we are here left alone,” he criticizes. Because of how his small congregation to Finance the total project, is still in the stars. A few years ago, it had been around five million euros is estimated. Between 45 and 75 percent state funding of eligible costs to be conceivable. For sure this money has not, however. And if, then only under the stringent requirements that will drive the costs the municipality more in height, is afraid of Strobl. The first part to be realized next year, estimated at around a million euros. Minimum. It could afford the community but even without subsidies, so Strobl. When the second part can be implemented, is unclear, because: “It must be affordable.”

These areas benefit from the flood protection

About 70 existing land, as well as two planned new construction areas would benefit from improved flood protection in Habach. The latter is only feasible if at least the first part of the project was implemented. Specifically, the new zoning “Church in the meadow”, as well as the Change in the adjacent town center development plan. Approximately 20 One – and two-family houses, as well as a multi-family house plans the municipality are currently building on the “Church meadow”. The houses are to be built in the local model. The multi-family house would like to rent the community in the context of social housing. To the West of the site are to be built in the village area, two new double houses. By the end of 2021, the new development plan, “the Church should in the meadow”, as well as the revised town centre development plan to the articles of Association, so Strobl. Then the land could be built – always under the condition that the first part of the flood protection has been implemented. Because the future building plots are located in the flood-prone area, and would drown in the high water case.

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